Loving you... loosing me (1)

Start from the beginning

Jungkook's heart shattered into pieces, he didn't expected Taehyung will say yes. He turned around and went to the washroom crying his heart out.

'S-so I lost m-my first love even before confessing...'
Jungkook sobbed.

Time skip

Jungkook was still in the washroom of the uni, he stopped crying a while ago. But his heart, mind was sad... Very sad...

Meanwhile Taehyung, he was waiting for Jungkook at the backyard of the uni.

'Where are you bun?'
Taehyung thought in his mind. He don't know unknowingly he hurt his Jungkookie by accepting the proposal. He didn't think further and went to search for his lo-- best friend yeah... Best friend!

Taehyung search whole University but didn't find his bunny.

'I didn't checked in washroom...'
He ran towards the restroom.

He was gonna enter the washroom that's when Jungkook came out.

"Koo! You are here! I searched you whole Uni---"
Jungkook cut him off.

"Eh? What why? You yourself told me to meet me at the backyard, I waited for you but you didn't came..."
Jungkook wanted to cry all over again but controlled his emotions.

"Oh is it? Sorry"
He muttered in small voice.

"Okay, fine now tell me what you were gonna tell me?"
Taehyung caressed his cheeks.

"It's not that important TaeTae, by the way where's your lover"
Jungkook asked in void of emotion

"Hey! How come you know? I was going to give you a surprise!"
Taehyung was offended.

"W-whole University is gossiping on y-your lover"
Jungkook smirked in sarcasm.

"Oh... But bun why you are sad?"
"Me? Sad? Nice joke, I'm not sad hyung. I am happy that you got your true love... Anyways I'm heading to our apartment, I have some work"
Jungkook said keeping his head low.

"Which work? Okay fine... I will come with you"
Taehyung said already walking towards their car but Jungkook speak up.

"No TaeTae, you can't come... Remember you aren't alone now. G-goff hyung is your p-partner. You have to be with him"
Jungkook's heart hurt when he described someone else as Tae's partner.

"I will inform him--"
Goff came running.

Jungkook clenched his fist when he called his TaeTae baby.

"You didn't attended lecture"
"How could I? I don't wanna be alone"
Taehyung chuckled and ruffled his hairs lovingly.

"By the way, are you done with some important talk with your best friend?"
Goff said eyeing Jungkook top to bottom and intentionally pressurized the best friend word.

Goff had been crushing on Taehyung since the day one of the college. He was known to Taekook's friendship. He was sure about Jungkook's feelings towards Taehyung cause the way Jungkook looks at Taehyung, anyone can guess about his feelings towards the elder.

Same goes to Goff he is known to Taehyung's feeling towards Jungkook too but he don't wanna accept that. Goff don't wanna lose the chance to be with Taehyung so he always acted nice and also he started to be like Jungkook.

He got tattoo as Jungkook, taehyung always praised Goff for being cute and funny, so Goff planned to propose Taehyung.

When Goff proposed tae he accepted because he is thinking that he likes Goff. But the reality is Goff is being like Jungkook, Goff's whole attire is like kookie, so indirectly Taehyung likes Jungkook but his attention is diverted to Goff.

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