Chapter 64

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"You might want to reconsider your words," I announced as I entered the room.

When Cian called and told me that Hamza had approached Romano to get me killed, I decided to contact Ahmed. He was the only Al Jahaan who was not in Azmaayir at the moment, apart from Emma.

Ahmed and I were not on good terms, and I didn't think we could ever be. The only reason he agreed to meet me in New York was because of his sister. I wanted to end Hamza once and for all, but I was sure Emma would hate me more than before if I did something to him. She didn't trust me, and even if I told her that Hamza was the one who wanted to get me killed, she wouldn't believe me.

Cian and Romano had an alliance, and he had been present at many of my fights in the past years. Romano knew I had terms with Cian, and when Hamza approached him, he didn't waste time contacting and informing Cian about it. He had asked if he should get rid of Hamza, and I told him we needed to expose him before killing him.

It wasn't easy to make Ahmed keep that a secret from Emma. They both were attached at the hips, and I didn't think anything went down in their lives without the other knowing about it. Though Emma didn't tell Ahmed what transpired between us, I was grateful to her for it. If Ahmed had known, he would have killed me rather than going along with my plan.

We staged the shooting and all the media ruckus after it to give Hamza a false sense of victory and were sure he would slip. I wanted to catch him red-handed, and for that, he needed to come out of his comfort zone. The news of my death was why Hamza fell for our bait.

Hamza deceived Emma for years, and I was shocked how she never noticed the signs that he was not into women. The only reason she was a virgin even after she was involved with him was that he was gay. It surprised me how a man could be immune around her but I never thought that he could be into men.

The girl was sex on legs, and it was nearly impossible for me to keep my hands to myself around her. I needed to be awarded for the restraint I showed around her because there was no way that any man would not want to sleep with her being so close to her. That was one of the reasons why I didn't want any men around her because I knew the effect she had on the opposite sex.

Ahmed wasn't happy with my plan, but I wanted to keep it a secret from everyone. There was a nagging doubt in my mind that Emma was still in contact with Hamza. However, I didn't share my suspicion with Ahmed and instead told him that Emma was pregnant, and I didn't want to involve her in any of that in her condition. Ahmed looked surprised about her pregnancy, which meant she didn't tell anyone about it not even Ahmed. Seeing Hamza with a man, I realized Emma must be as oblivious to it as anyone else.

Hamza's fate was decided when he approached Romano. The only reason to involve Ahmed was that Emma trusted him and would believe him, but there was a possibility she wouldn't believe me.


Hamza stared at me as if he had seen a ghost. Good for him because I had just returned from the dead as far as he was concerned.

"Simple, you are not the only one with contacts. Actually, you are the one with the wrong contacts," I smirked

"You see Hamza, Romano here is an ally of Cian Byrne, Boss of the Boston Family. Who is close to me, so when you approached Romano, he didn't waste time to inform Byrne someone wanted to get rid of me. Romano could have declined to go through with your plan, but that might have resulted in you approaching someone else. As I was tired of your fucking attempts to steal my wife, I decided to end your game once and for all," I stared into his eyes and said, he looked as if he had aged ten years.

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