Chapter 63

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Ahmed was the last person I could have imagined would walk on me in a strip club while I was fucking a male stripper.


Girls were never my thing. I always had been attracted to men. Emma was just a pawn on my chessboard to achieve what I had always wanted to be. A board member of the Al Jahaan Corporation—the largest Conglomerate in Azmaayir and one of the top ten in the world.

No one knew about my sexual orientation apart from Ricardo. Whom I had met in the US while I was doing my MBA. Ricardo was bisexual, and he was the one who helped me explore my sexual interest.

I could never have dreamt after finding that I was gay to date or marry a girl, but Ricardo had encouraged me to pursue my dream. He was the one to suggest that I should court Emma and make her fall in love with me. Once Emma was in love with me, Taimur Al Jahaan would agree to our marriage. She was his most favored child, and there was no way he would not fulfill her wish.

Then Dawood had come along and destroyed my plan. Everything had been going smoothly. Emma was entirely deluded that I loved her, and she had been too eager to marry me. If not for Dawood, she would have been mine, and I would have been a part of one of the most powerful Organizations.

I had cut ties with Emma when I saw her with Dawood to make her feel guilty, and I was sure she would come back crawling to me. Then, that fiasco with the paparazzi happened, and she married Dawood. My dreams had been smashed, and I would have almost given up if not for Haitham and Ricardo.

Haitham was looking to cash on the scenario of Emma divorcing Dawood and marrying me. It undoubtedly would have fueled the revolts that were going on in Azmaayir. While Ricardo just wanted me to be happy and achieve all my dreams.

Ahmed stared at me in shock. In comparison, I could feel my world crumbling down around me. I was sure there was no way Ahmed would not tell that to Emma or his family. They both were close, and Ahmed might tolerate a player like Dawood for his sister, but he indeed would never tolerate a man who was interested in men and wanted to marry his sister only for her title and the perks that came with it.

I pulled out of the stripper's ass and pulled my pants up while the stripper left, and Ricardo stayed on the bed with his erection bare for the eyes.

"What the fuck is this, Hamza?" Ahmed asked, aghast.

He was still in shock, unable to believe what he had just seen. I had kept my identity a secret for years. No one had ever been suspicious, not even my parents. But Ahmed was there, and he had seen me, and it wouldn't take any time to spread. I couldn't let that happen, not when I was so close to my goal.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Ahmed.

The next moment, Ahmed's fist landed on my jaw. Ahmed was a crazy fucker, and I didn't doubt that he would kill me if Ricardo and I didn't kill him first.

"You motherfucker, how dare you even think about my sister?" He snarled.

Ricardo and I glanced at each other, and he understood what was to be done.

"Your sister always had a crush on me. I just added fuel to the already burning fire. It's not like you are a saint yourself. The only difference is my preference wary from yours," I gave him a smirk.

He tried to punch me again in my jaw, but Ricardo caught his hand, "I will kill you for hurting my sister," Ahmed freed himself from Ricardo's hold with a jerk and sprang on me again.

"If you don't die before that," Ricardo gave out an evil laugh as he pulled out a gun from his back.

A shadow passed Ahmed's face, and taking advantage of it, I restrained Ahmed in my hold. A pop sounded, and Ricardo's body slumped to the floor. I looked at the door bewildered and saw a smirking Romano.

There was a hole in Ricardo's forehead, and his eyes stared at the ceiling.

"No," I cried in shock.

"How could you kill him?" I roared at Romano.

The fucker was supposed to protect us. I had paid him such a hefty amount and agreed for a share to get rid of Dawood and would have paid more to get rid of Ahmed's body.

"Apologies, but I don't take orders from you," Romano shrugged and entered the room, giving Ahmed a nod.

Ahmed freed himself with a jerk from my hold and kicked my leg, making me fall on the ground in pain.

"This is for ruining my sister's life," he hissed.

I didn't answer him. I was staring at Ricardo's lifeless body. The man who I had loved more than anyone else in the world. The man who had helped me to find myself when I was lost. Who showed me the path to the place where I belonged.

I had been lost before Ricardo. If not for him, I would never have dared to explore my sexual orientation. He was the one who encouraged me and guided me to understand what I wanted.

I had dated a few girls because of Ricardo and had felt nothing even when I kissed them. Because of my friends, who always used to tease me that I had never been with a girl, I decided to have sex with a girl, but it was a disaster for both of us.

If not for Ricardo, I would have kept drowning in misery, thinking I had a fault. He was the one who showed me that there was nothing wrong with me. I was pursuing the wrong sex. But, he was gone, and I felt my world swiveled into darkness. I had lost the love of my life. I touched a hollow on the spot where my heart was supposed to be.

Something warm dripped on my hand, and I looked at it and realized that it was my tear. I was crying. Why should I be surprised? I had lost the most important person in my life.

I would have been so close to my goal if not for Ahmed and the double-crossing bastard Romano.

"Why did you toy with Emma if you were not interested in women?" Ahmed asked.

I kept staring at Ricardo's lifeless body. There was no purpose left for me to live other than to avenge him. I pulled the gun out of Ricardo's hand and shot at Ahmed. The bullet might have just left the barrel when I felt something pierce my arm, and I fell on my back from the impact.

Ahmed had dodged the bullet successfully, while Romano had shot my arm, making me drop the gun on the floor.

"Your game is up, Hamza," Ahmed stated in a cool voice.

"There is no purpose left for me to live, but I am pleased that I have destroyed Emma's life."

"You may want to reconsider your words," my head shot up at the voice, and I felt someone pulled the ground from below my feet.

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