Chapter 6

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I was looking at Dawood with a triumphant smile. The way he had ruined my relationship with Hamza I had not forgiven him for that. I had doubted at first that he had done it, wantedly, but now I didn't have any doubt after he asked if Hamza was my boyfriend.

Dawood Ordimez was a hunter who loved playing with his prey until he made the last kill. I should have known from the first time I had turned him down that he wouldn't hesitate a second to humiliate me. He knew exactly where to strike so it hurt the most.

Fortunately, his parents had given me an opportunity to pay back to him. All his paintings had themes of loneliness, pain, and betrayal. I had tried to find a single painting with the theme of love but there was none. Dawood had surely been through something in his past and it was depicted in his art.

He was a phenomenal artist and if he would have pursued the profession I was sure he would have been considered as one of the best artists the world had seen.

"You are stressing your mind too much, Ms. Jahaan," he replied lazily but I had seen his mask slip when I had asked the question.

"I am an admirer of art myself Mr. Ordimez, I have been to exhibitions of different artists around the world and had seen enough art to understand what the artist wants to portray through a painting," I said and walked to Dawood and then stood in front of him.

"Your stepmother said you developed a liking for painting in your high school and initial college," I walked around him until I was at his back, "I guess, Mr. Ordimez, it was around that time you got a taste of betrayal."

Dawood stiffened and fisted his hands on his sides. I knew that I had struck the right cord, Dawood Ordimez should get a taste of defeat. He can't win on all fronts, even Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander the Great had not won all battles in their life.

I walked to his front and then looked into his eyes, which appeared to be on fire from his rage. The vein on his forehead was throbbing and his jaw was clenched.

"Being an only child, you surely felt lonely especially after your parents divorced. I wonder what is the cause of your pain, your loneliness, or the betrayal?"

The next moment his hand shot up and he held the back of my neck in an iron grip. I was afraid if he applied a little more pressure it might snap into two. It took all my resolve not to flinch and show him any sign of weakness.

"I warned you not to play with fire," he said each word through gritted teeth pulling me closer to him, holding my neck.

"I would suggest you the same Mr. Ordimez," I replied, fearlessly.

I was flushed against his front, chest to chest, though I was wearing five inches heels I still had to tip my head back to look into his eyes. He was surely the tallest man that I had come across and the most devilishly beautiful.

"It won't take me a second to defile your virtue at the moment, while our fathers talked downstairs," he growled in my face.

"I dare you, Mr. Ordimez, to act upon your threat," I felt like I was possessed by an evil spirit.

The pain I had gone through in the last month after Hamza had flown back to Azmaayir was driving me insane. He was not answering my calls and my text was going unread. I was stuck here because of school and there was no way I could talk to him.

This man has been the cause of pain and hurt, to the man I loved, and I under no circumstances was going to forgive him for that.

"You don't know what you are asking for," his breath was fanning my cheeks and he had wrapped his hand around my waist.

The Bound Princess (Dark Romance)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin