Chapter 12

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Abi and Uncle Haris had accompanied me, while Reem stayed at home. They both were silent through the whole drive, not a single word was spoken. I felt like a criminal who was being taken to the court for the final hearing of their trial. 

I looked at Abi, but he ignored me and kept looking out of the car. I diverted my gaze from him and passed a glance to the scenery outside. I was startled when I noticed we were not headed to the airport. Then where was Abi taking me along with him? I gulped and looked at him and Uncle Haaris again. Abi chose not to acknowledge my presence while Uncle Haaris's eyes were filled with sympathy for me. I blinked the tears away which were threatening to leave my eyes. 

When Abi had said that we were leaving in an hour, I had not expected him to bring me to Dawood's parents' home. I was feeling a dread unknown to me, it was certain that something was going to happen which would change my life forever. 

Dawood was already present in the study along with his father and two other men. One of them looked like an Islamic priest to me. I sensed Dawood's piercing gaze on me which was making me uncomfortable with each passing minute. 

I was still contemplating the reason for the visit when Abi cleared his throat to get my attention and passed me a pen and a paper. The priest started reciting verses of the Quran. I ran my eyes over the document and felt that the floor had slipped below my feet.

My eyes shot up to Abi in a plea, I couldn't help the acceleration in my breathing, Abi can't punish me like this. He can't make me marry a man like Dawood. I knew that I made a grave mistake but he can't throw me into a marriage without my consent. I lowered my gaze when I noticed the determination in his green orbs and his hardened face commanding me to sign those papers. 

I looked at Uncle Haris who was sitting with his eyes fixed on the floor. I looked at the other two men, one was reading the marriage contract and the other was shuffling papers in his briefcase, and then at Dawood's father who was busy glaring at Dawood, who had an evil smirk playing on his lips. 

No, this can't be happening, it can't be true. Fate won't play such a joke on me. 

I felt a punch in my guts, I knew I had brought this upon me. No one other than me was responsible for this if I had been sensible enough not to give in to my desire, this would never have happened. 

I was ignorant that fate had intertwined my destiny with Dawood's, how could I have known that I would get married to a man who I hated the most in my life. 

My hand started shivering when I noticed there was no one to help me, my breathing hitched as I saw the Judge's attention on me, I knew what that meant. 

"Do you, Emma Al Jahaan, accept Dawood Ordimez as your lawfully wedded husband?" the Islamic Judge asked me. 

No please, God, don't let this happen to me, please. My mind was completely blank, I didn't even realize that I was staring at everyone in astonishment. So, this was it? The end of my love story with Hamza? 

I felt an ache in my heart as if someone had stabbed a knife in it. My eyes drifted to Abi again, I knew Abi loved me, he can't see me getting hurt like this. I looked at him once again and mouthed a 'please' as a last resort, but he had the same expression on his face and the warning in his eyes. I knew I had not no choice left then to accept this marriage and sign the papers. 

"Do you, Emma Al Jahaan, accept Dawood Ordimez as your lawfully wedded husband?" The judge asked again. 

Taking in a shaky breath, I closed my eyes and said, "I do," it took me all my strength to whisper these two words. 

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