Chapter 11

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I was awakened by the ringing of my cell, picking up the cell from the nightstand I hit the receive button without even looking who the caller was? 

"Dawood, where are you?" Dad sounded disturbed. 

"I am home, where could you expect me to be?"

I sat up yawning and pushed my hair back from my forehead which had fallen on it in sleep, with my fingers. 

"I want you here, in an hour," he said and disconnected.

 Why does Dad want to see me, on an urgent basis at the weekend? I wondered and turned to find a black-haired girl sleeping beside me. The sheets had slipped from around her and now her bare back was facing me.


She was a tenant in my building and I had come across her many times while leaving or entering the building and sometimes in the elevator. She had never hidden her interest in me while I had always avoided her. She was not my type, redheads were what attracted me. Apart from them I rarely slept around with anyone.

Last night was different, I had left the club in fury for getting carried away again. For getting carried away because of her yet again.  This girl was waiting for the elevator when I got back home. I would have avoided her as usual if I would not have been enraged with a certain black-haired girl. 

My rage had found a vent in form of this girl and I had fucked out my fury on her. I shook her shoulder and she stirred and then opened her eyes. 

"I thought you would be exhausted after last night," she beamed at me. 

I wanted to strip that smile off her face, the fucking idiot was thinking I was in the mood for sex again. I wouldn't even have paid attention to her if not for my anger on that bitchy Princess. 

"You should get back to your place, I need to leave on urgent business," I said, slipping out of bed and wearing my boxers. 

"Ohh," her lips pouted in an 'ohh'. 

"When can I see you again?" She asked, sitting up on the bed. 

 See her again? What made her think she was Madonna, that I would want to see her again. Agreed she was a good fuck and had let me go rough on her but that didn't mean I was going to continue sleeping with her. 

 "Did you see my clothes, somewhere?" She asked, wrapping the sheets around her and slipping out of bed.

I wanted to pull her from the bed and shove her out into the living room, where we had discarded the clothes last night. Fuck, why can't women remember such a simple thing? 

"You are good sweetie, but not worth spending another night with," I replied and stepped into the en suite bathroom not bothering to look at her. 

When I came out of the bathroom after showering, she had left, thankfully. I never liked girls who were clingy and expected more than a one-night stand. 

My mind drifted to Dad's call, I couldn't understand why he wanted to see me so early on a weekend. Was it about some ongoing trial?

There was something wrong with him, he sounded pissed on the call, I got dressed and left my penthouse. When I drove out of the underground parking and to the front of my building I saw a commotion of reporters outside. 

What was happening?

I shook the thoughts out of my mind and turned on the stereo. I had a bad night, my nightmares were back again. I had been seeing a shrink to keep them at bay but the recent events had triggered them again. 

The Bound Princess (Dark Romance)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ