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"It's Lahey, Issac Lahey." Brizo heard from afar while standing by her car. She was on the far side of the cemetery, out of sight from the cops. "You work for your father Issac?" Sheriff Stinliski asked, trying to understand the situation. "When he's not in school, which is where he needs to be in twenty minutes." Issac's father stated gruffly. "Yeah I understand, but I've got a missing teenage girl, and our K-9 unit led us here. She's not wearing any clothes, and if she's out here tonight, the temperature really drops." The Sheriff stated trailing off.

Brizo couldn't bear the fact of anything worse happening to Lydia. "I'm sorry, I didn't see anything," Issac stated nervously. "Trust me, if he saw a naked girl outside a computer screen, he'd remember." Mr. Lahey said with a gruff chuckle. Brizo cringed at the man's words but her eyes widened at what was said next. "How's you get that black eye Issac?" Stilinski asked the boy. "School," Issac said in a questionable tone. "School fight?" Sheriff asked. "Nah lacrosse," Issad said, but Brizo knew right through his lie. Brizo tuned out of the conversation and decided to just get in the car and wait for him.

Minutes later someone opened the passenger door. Brizo looked up and Issac was giving her a sad smile. "Put ur bags in the trunk." She spoke and popped the trunk open. He did just so and then got into the girl's car. "Thank you for picking me up, I would be so late if you didn't," Issac stated and smiled at his new girlfriend. Brizo leaned across the console and put her hand on the right side of his face, thumbing and brushing under his eye at his bruise. "It's not as bad as it looks Briz," Issac said, his eyes darting everywhere but Brizos.

The girl then leaned in and kissed Issac's cheek, then pulled away and pulled Issac in for a real kiss. Issac's shoulders dropped and the pressure rolled down his back. When Brizo pulled away the boy's eyes were still closed. She just smiled at him and wondered how someone could so cruelly hurt such a sweet human. When he opened his eyes his lips quirked up into a smile. The two pulled away and Brizo put the car in reverse, leaving the cemetery. But not before putting Issac's hand on hers while she drove.


The pair arrived at the school and parted ways by the girls car with a chaste kiss. "See you in chem." Issac said and ran off, knowing he was late for practice. "Well well well. So I was right all along." A voice said from behind Brizo. She turned around and came face to face with Danny. "Oh cut it out Danny." She said and slapped his arm, then reaching into her trunk and grabbing her bag. "You two make quite the pair." He said and shoved her shoulder."Well now its time to fine you a new man." Brizo said as the pair bounded off into the school.


Issac met Brizo inside the chem classroom, in his usual seat. He poked the girls side and looked she turned to look at him, big smile on her face. The pair sat in silence while Brizo twirled her hair in her fingers and Issac just admired her. "Pop Quiz." Mr. Harris announced the minute the bell rang. Most of the class groaned, including Issac. He looked at his girlfriend pleadingly and she nodded her head knowing he needed her answers or he would fail.

Harris handed out the quizzes and Brizo immediately started filling answers in at the speed of light, chemisty being her strong subject.  He copied her at a slower speed but still kept up. When she finished she felt a creeping feeling at the back of her neck. She twicthed and tried to make herself comfortable. All the sudden she heard a whisper, then another one.

She did her best to focus her hearing and then finally made out what it was saying. "Brizo, come here Tallulah." The voice spoke to her. She shook her head to try and get out of this trance and then looked at Issac, mouthing a 'you done?" He nodded his head and she stood up and lighting speed, paper in hand and walked up to Harris. "May I use the bathroom?" She asked kindly. He took the quiz from her hand and looked it over, then nodded his head. Lucky for her she was Harris' top student. She grabbed a pass and dashed out of class around the corner but was grabbed by something and pulled into a closet.

She flicked her claws and placed them on whatever grabbed her's neck. "Brizo its just me." the all too familiar voice spoke, causing her to pull the light string with her other hand, spotting Derek. She ripped her hand away from him and her claws sinked back in place. "Whats got you all worked up?" Derek asked, leaning on the wall. Brizo scoffed, even let out a small chuckle. "Whats got me worked up?" Brizo asked then adjusted her position. "Maybe the fact that someone just aggressively yanked me into a closet. Said person has also been avoiding my calls since he killed our uncle." She said and crossed her arms.

Derek huffed and avoided eye contact with Brizo. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" Brizo asked pointedly lookinh at the man. "I don't owe you anything!" Derek yelled. "How about an explanation? As to why you wanted to become an alpha so bad that you killed Peter? You became just as bad as he was Der." Brizo stated factually. Derek got in her face, pointing, "I am nothing like Peter." He said with a low growl.

"Well your sure as hell acting like him right now." She said, arms still crossed, head now cocked at him. Derek backed off, leaning aganist the wall once more. "Im trying to build a pack." He stated softly. Brizo nodded her head then shook it in shock, actually registering what he said. "You want to build a pack?" Brizo questioned, giving him a 'what the fuck' face. "I already started. I'll recruit Lydia when shes found, and I bit Jackson." Derek started but Brizo pushed him before he could finish.

"You bit Jackson?" She asked in a yell. "Yes alright! He wanted it." trying to get Brizo off of him. "Jesus christ Derek! Whats next my boyfriend? Danny? Stiles?" Brizo shouted, pushing Derek again. He shook his head at the boyfriend thing, trying to get that image from his head. "Seriously Derek jesus christ." She said with a huff, running her hand down her face. She opened the door to the closet and turned back to look at him one more time. "Stay the hell away from my friends."

all i have to say here is... FORESHADOWINGGGGGG this is literally my favorite thing when writing like deadass

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