It's Only 1,000 Miles!

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After two years of nonstop chaos, one would think the prom house would be the pinnacle of all drama, especially considering how prom itself went. But, believe it or not, it was pretty calm. Just 30 or so kids drinking for 48 hours straight.

Scarlett and I, always the life of the party, were out in the hot tub at 4:30 am, Smirnoff Ices in hand, all alone. Except, for once, we were not scheming on how to ruin her brothers' lives and hook up with their friends. We were talking about college.

Here's the rundown:

I'm going to Rice University and Scar's going to Penn State.

Brandon, of course, is going to Brown.

Liam is going to the University of North Carolina.

Reece is going to Miami.

Max is going to Vermont.

Noah is going to Indiana.

Gabe is going to San Diego State.

Corey is going to Washington.

Clay is going to Wisconsin...and so is Zach.

I'm going to be in Texas. Zach is going to be in Wisconsin.

I don't know how many miles that is but probably a lot.

"I don't think Zach can even comprehend how far that is," I told Scarlett. "Like, he doesn't seem worried." I gasped. "Maybe he's going to break up with me!"

Scarlett reached for my hand. "El," she comforted, slurring her words, "he loves you. You are going to work things out."

"Aren't you worried about Aidan?" I asked.

"We talked about this already. He's going to Binghamton, which is a 3 hour drive. So we're staying together."

"Oh my God," I said in disbelief, "I can't believe I haven't had this conversation with Zach."

"He probably thinks it's implied that you will stay together. He's not very smart. And hey, that's only 1,000 miles apart! You can do that!"

"I need to talk to him, like, right now," I said, quickly getting out of the hot tub.

"Wait, woah, El, he's probably asleep, this is not the best time. Needless to say, you're drunk!"

"I don't care!" I exclaimed.

"But what about me?" she asked, extending her arms in defeat.

"I can't leave you alone! You're coming," I demanded, dragging her out of the water.

She began to protest, but I promised her we'd find Aidan.

When I found Zach, he was passed out on the couch next to Gabe, who was still awake and watching some movie.

"Sorry, I need to steal him for a second," I said to Gabe as I shook him awake.

His eyes shot open. "What's going on?"

"We need to talk." I said seriously.

"Um, okay," he replied, looking nervous.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out to the balcony, gesturing for him to sit down.

"You're scaring me," he said, laughing awkwardly.

"I'm scared, Zach!" I exclaimed.

"About what?"



"We're going to be one thousand miles apart."

"Yeah, about that—"

"And if you don't even want to try to stay together, I understand—"

"I do!"

"Cause it's so far, and I don't know how anyone could—"


"And we can't ask each other to change our plans—"

He covered my mouth. "Ella, listen to me!" 

He looked oddly happy.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you. I'm not going to Wisconsin."

"But you have to! You were so excited to play soccer with Clay there!"

"I knew I couldn't be that far from you, though. So I talked to the Coach at the University of Texas."

My jaw dropped.

"He said they'd love to have me on the team in the fall."

I squealed and wrapped my arms around him. "This is the best thing I have ever heard in my entire life! How far is that? Like three hours?"

He shrugged. "Two and a half."

" want to stay together, right?"

He laughed. "Of course, El."

"Okay, cool. Me too," I smiled, yawning and getting comfortable.


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