Prom King and Queen

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"And Mildred High's prom king and queen are," our principal announced as he opened an envelope, "Gage Brazil and Scarlett Romano!"

My jaw dropped.

Gasps were emitted around the room.

Ella and my brothers looked as though they'd seen a ghost.

I turned my head and made eye contact with Gage from across the room.

This has to be some sort of sick joke.

We began making our way to the stage from opposite sides of the floor.

Once we were shoulder to shoulder, I spoke silently through gritted teeth and thin lips. "Who did you pay to do this?"

"You think I would want this?" He answered in the same quiet tone.


He gave me a look. "Well I am not behind this."

"That's such-," I began to call him out on his bullshit, but a hand reached out to me.

It was a staff member offering me help up the steps. I smiled and accepted, making sure to shoot daggers with my eyes towards Gage.

The crowns were placed on top of our heads as the audience cheered. It was a forced cheer.

Everybody was utterly confused.

"Look over there and smile!" Principal Reynolds stated way too excitedly for my liking.

We turned to the camera. "Don't you dare touch me."

"Come on! Put your arm around her!" The cameraman laughed.

I wanted to grab my heel and pierce him with it for saying that.

Gage placed his hand at the small of my waist and smiled. I grabbed it and moved it up to my shoulders.

He scoffed at that, a slight laugh trailing behind it.

The photos were taken, yet my misery sadly continued.

"Okay, seriously," I crossed my arms as I looked at him, "who did you pay?"

"Scar, the people just love me!" He replied, referring to our grade.

"They don't. At all," I humbled him.

"For the lady," Principal Reynolds handed Gage a bouquet of flowers.

He turned to me and held them out. I snatched them with a smirk. "I bet you've dreamed of this moment."

"You were nicer in the dreams," he returned the smirk. I rolled my eyes.

We got off of the stage and headed back to the floor. Brandon immediately came over to us.

"All right, how did you do this and how did I not know about it?" Brandon wasted no time asking.

"It's what the people wanted, B," Gage shrugged.

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