What's Most Important (37)

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MK wasn't sure how long they'd spent sitting here in mostly darkness, the only light coming from under the door and a murky window at the back covered by shelving, but he figured it must have been a while based on how tired he felt now, rubbing slowly at his eyes and leaning into Macaque's side. 

He felt like, if they stayed like this, he would fall asleep easily but then a hesitant knock at the door made him jolt, wide awake as he stared at the object like it would swing open at any moment and ruin their quiet. He tugged his arm close to his chest desperately, hoping that if someone did come in they wouldn't see his exposed wound.

The dammed mark that spoke of death. 

"Hey uh... everything okay in there? It's been a while." Wukong's voice, hesitant and steeped in worry he was clearly trying to hide made MK flinch, leaning to the side so he was hidden behind Macaque and gripping his arm. He really hoped Macaque kept his promise not to tell him.

Macaque glanced back at him, seeing his scared expression before turning back and when he opened his mouth all MK could do was squeeze his eyes shut and hope he wouldn't tell him. 

"We're fine, idiot. MK just needed some quiet. Pretty impossible when he's been around you so much." Macaque said with a hint of sarcasm and MK let out a sigh of relief, sagging into Macaque again as the tension bled from his shoulders. It was telling how worried Wukong was that he didn't even try to protest or yell in offense at the jab. 

Instead, he sighed. 

"Okay. That's okay. Take as long as you need, okay kiddo? I'm here if you need me." Wukong said and a few tears slipped down MK's cheeks at the soft tone, his heart aching in his chest. He nodded, wanting so badly to say something but when he opened his mouth nothing came out and he sniffled, grabbing Macaque's arm tighter. 

Getting the message, the man nodded. 

"The kid nodded, just so you know," Macaque told him and MK would have sent him a grateful look but was too busy wiping his tears again to look up. 

"...Okay. Thanks, Macaque." Wukong's tone was subdued and MK felt guilty for it. 

"Yeah, whatever. Now get out of here. You're ruining the quiet." Macaque huffed but there wasn't anything snappish about his tone. Wukong hummed and there was the sound of shuffling steps away, MK breathing out a shaky sigh of relief once he was gone. 

"W-we should... probably go...go back to them. It's... it's been a while. We've been in here a while." MK managed to stammer out, his voice shaky and small. It was a good thing Macaque was right next to him, otherwise, he probably wouldn't have heard it. 

"Eh who cares about them? We can stay as long as you need, kid." Macaque told him in response and MK could have cried again at the offer. He knew he couldn't though, knew it was selfish so he shook his head numbly. 

"It's okay. I think... I think we can go. Just... give me a minute." He mumbled and Macaque looked down at him, eyes calculating but uncharacteristically soft 

"...Okay. We should wrap that wound up before we go out though." His tone was considerate and MK was grateful for it, untucking his arm from where it was pressed to his chest and sticking it out toward him.  

The man picked up the bandages from earlier, scowling at the stained pink and brown bandage that was once white with a grimace. 

"We should probably get a clean one to put on." He muttered and MK blinked, feeling hollow. 

"Why bother? It can't get worse." He mumbled a little bitterly and Macaque made a noise close to a snort like he hadn't expected that cynicism. He didn't blame him for it or tell him to cheer up though, and MK appreciated that.

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