An Explanation (28)

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"Oh shut up! Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't just leave us behind like you did when I got caught." Wukong huffed, a certain amount of petty in his voice and MK shrunk down in his seat, groaning and wishing they'd stop.

"What was I meant to do? I was a teenager and you were arrested!" Macaque huffed, and an argument that MK had previously been interested in suddenly became boring and tedious. They both sounded like squabbling children, and any fear MK had of Macaque was long gone.

He was a little worried about how they'd resolve whatever was going on, but for now, all he wanted was a nap.

It was a shame that he was in a car, and the best he could do was lean his cheek against the glass and close his eyes as he listened to their bickering.

"That doesn't mean you should've just abandoned me!" Wukong yelled and Macaque scoffed.

"I didn't abandon you! Besides, you're the one that lied to me! I thought you wanted to make up and all you did was use me. Once you had your new fancy police friends you didn't bother with me anymore. Did you even care about me at all?" He asked and MK blinked his eye open, glancing across at the actually hurt look on Macaque's face as he asked.

"Of course I-"

"No, don't answer that. I know you didn't." Snappishly, Wukong's jaw clicked shut and MK wasn't sure if he was more annoyed at what Macaque had said or being cut off.

"If you did, you wouldn't have tried to kill me!" Macaque hissed after and Wukong scoffed. 

"If I tried to kill you, you'd be dead. Besides, you were the one that wouldn't just surrender." 

"Oh, suuure. I'll just give myself up to the police. Not like I enjoy freedom or anything." Macaque drawled sarcastically and Wukong scoffed.

"You were part of an illegal group! It was my job to-" 

"Here it is again, your job. You better hope his job never involves anything to do with you, MK, or else this backstabber will put that above you just like he did me, his oldest friend." Macaque spat, and MK sat up straight at being addressed, glancing back to find Wukong absolutely seething, his hand tight on MK's shoulder. 

"Leave him out of this! You don't know anything about me-"

"Oh ho ho, I don't? Really? I know everything about you." Macaque laughed, tone dark and cold. 

"Like how much of a lying backstabber you are!" He yelled, and MK saw Wukong's face glow red in frustration, his hand leaving MK's shoulder just so he could throw them up dramatically. 

"You're so immature!" He huffed and Macaque cackled.

"Oh, that's rich coming from you." MK groaned, only realizing he'd done it out loud when both the others in the car sent glances at him. Deciding that he might as well say something since he had both of their attention now, MK spoke.

"You guys aren't getting anywhere. This is painful to listen to." He complained, leaning forward and draping his arms over the car dashboard.

"Yeah well blame your precious older brother if you don't like it, kid. He's the reason this is happening after all." Macaque sneered and MK felt like slamming his head against the dashboard. 

"Oh yeah, of course this is my fault! You can't even take responsibility for your own illegal actions!" Wukong countered and MK really considered knocking himself out just to escape this. 

"You didn't have a problem with illegal activities when you were the one doing them! Or did you forget all about stealing things with me and that damned fighting ring just so you could get information on your brother!" Macaque hissed and MK, though interested just a bit in that knowledge and storing it away for later, decided he was done with this.

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