Memories Of You (9)

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After drying and brushing Bai He's hair MK finally convinced himself that they needed to leave. He wanted to stay of course but they really needed to get going so he and a reluctant Bai He got back into the car, ready for another long car ride. He took the food and the cat food back and added some puzzles, crayons, and a colouring book from the kids' room in hopes of giving Bai He something to entertain herself with that wasn't more car games.  

With a lot of energy out of her system Bai He didn't seem too upset about being back in the car and MK encouraged her to read a book out loud that he'd taken with them from the house to pass the time, praising her and helping her with harder words until she finished and started colouring instead.

She seemed content doing that and MK let himself zone out a little as he drove through the village, leaving it behind and finding a sign for the motorway. With a grin, he went to turn off onto there but the way was blocked with stopped cars, and up ahead he could see bits of smoke in the distance. He tried to go around by driving on the hard shoulder but it quickly became apparent that pretty much the whole motorway was blocked with stopped cars and smoke from car accidents that had crashed and tipped over.

Clearly, everyone had tried to leave like this though judging by the zombies wandering around and the ones now close enough to bang on the windows of their car not many succeeded. 

MK reversed, cringing as he caught the sight of Bai He's pale face in the rearview mirror, her eyes wide as she stared at the zombies screaming and wailing through the gaps in the wooden boards. He reversed off the highway as quickly as he could, creatures chasing after them and getting left behind once he was on a smaller road, still only able to go about fifteen miles an hour since he had to move around stopped cars every now and then. 

It wasn't as bad as the highway however so he decided to stay on smaller roads even though it was easier to get lost. Not that he wasn't used to backtracking. He'd had to do a lot of that over the past few days because his sense of direction really was as awful as Pigsy always said it was.

He drove till dinner and then stopped to eat the cold Bao buns with Bai He, feeding the cat who also tried stealing some of Bai He's buns. Not that MK blamed him, they were really good! They stopped for a toilet break on the side of the road afterward and then about four hours later he saw a sign for a main city but it was getting dark and he contemplated whether or not to stop for the night here or keep going. Bai He was obviously tired so he got her ready for bed and then let her drift off laying in the back, deciding to keep going while she slept.

It was harder to see in the dark but MK was starting to get used to it and slowly driving around obstacles and having to go on grass every now and then didn't bother him so much. He may get used to the roads but one thing he didn't think he'd ever get used to was the zombies, driving over them and hearing the thump or driving around them and hearing as they gave chase to a car they couldn't catch. 

He was lucky Bai He didn't wake up from the sounds of their screeching and groans but she didn't even twitch at it anymore and he wasn't sure whether it was good or sad that she was growing used to the noises.   

MK drove until he noticed the signs for the city up ahead again, driving to the edge of the city and taking notice of the increase in zombies he started seeing. 

He kept driving, cars pilled up and many roads blocked as he winced. He probably could have driven around the city but he needed some petrol anyway so he couldn't have gone past it, not when he didn't know when the next gas station would be. The last thing he needed was to run out. 

With that thought in mind, he looked around for a gas station, finding the one closer to the edge of the city blown up, destroyed, and burning, and he winced at the sight of the scorched ground and flickering fire. He kept driving, going further in and following the signs on the side of the road to the next station, which thankfully wasn't blown up. It was further into the city however and even though it was dark MK could still see that there were a few zombies nearby, making him cringe as he pulled in and turned the engine off. 

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