Making Up Lost Time (34)

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Letting his feet do as they pleased and zoning in on the music and the screen MK found himself having fun. It was easy to let the situation fade away as he danced laughing alongside his friend as she tried to keep up and he was grinning wildly when the song was over, sweating a little but full of energy. 

"Ahah, take that!" He said when their scores came up on screen, his the highest as Mei pouted. 

"No fair! Best of three!" She said and MK cackled as he moved through the songs, looking for one to pick. 

"You're on!" They played three songs in total with MK nailing it and it was a lot of fun to just do exercise without fearing or fleeing for his life. When they finished the third song though, he panted, feeling sweat on his brow and looking around to see Wukong, realizing he'd zoned out while dancing. 

"Oh! Sorry, you should have a go!" MK said, hopping off the pad and Wukong shook his hands. 

"Oh, no kid, that's okay-" 

"Worried you're going to embarrass yourself in front of the kids?" Macaque said suddenly, seeming to appear out of nowhere and MK quickly turned his head to find the man leaning against the railing of the side MK had just gotten off from, a grin on his face.

"Wha- no!" Wukong immediately rebuked, clearly offended as Macaque's grin drew sharper. 

"Oh yeah? Prove it." He challenged and Wukong huffed angrily, biting his lip stubbornly but not saying anything.

"You won't, cause you're scared-" 

"That's it!" Wukong stomped onto the machine, glaring at Macaque and then grabbing the surprised man and tugging him onto the one next to him. 


"What? Thought you could get out of it? You did this, remember? Or are you too scared?" He asked, parroting back Macaque's taunt, and the dark-haired man gawked, shaking his head with a slight grin and a challenging glint in his eyes. 

"Alright, you're on." He said and Mk felt like exploding from happiness, struggling not to flap his hands happily at seeing them do something together. He knew they had a lot of complicated feelings, but MK just really, really wanted to see them have fun and maybe even be friends together before he... 

Well, he just wanted everyone to enjoy today, so it was great to cheer from the side as the music started playing and the two sent each other challenging grins. MK suppressed a giggle at seeing them both choose hard mode, sharing an all-too-knowing look with Mei. 

MK knew from experience that this game was a lot harder than it looked, especially for your first time playing, and he bounced up and down as he waited for them to realize that. 

As soon as the arrows started falling he saw the twinning looks of cokiness turn into pure concentration and huffed on a laugh at the sight of them both trying to keep up. They weren't doing bad! But it was still fun to watch them both try to outdo the other, feet quick but clumsy and out of time with the music.

When the song picked up and it started getting faster he saw Macaque wince, eyes hard as he moved his feet and MK laughed as they both missed a bunch of arrows, struggling to contain his laughter especially when Mei started laughing beside him.

"How... do you make this look so easy?" Wukong managed out through gritted teeth and MK leaned forward, smiling wide. 

"Practice!" He chirped and Mei nodded. 

"That's right! Me and MK would come down almost every weekend to play at the arcade! We're pros at this point." She confirmed, puffing up her chest proudly and both the older two saged as the song came to an end, out of breath until- 

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