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(Thanks to @Fazerimuru who asked to see something from Mei's POV a little while ago and I decided to accept his request. But as it doesn't forward the story and can be read anywhere since it's basically additional content I wasn't originally going to have, you get two chapters this week.)  

Mei's eyes scanned over the ocean, the wind tussling in her hair as she leaned on the railing of the boat with a tight expression. 

Behind her she heard footsteps, but didn't bother turning her head as her new friend stood next to her, his towering form blocking out the light from the sun on her left. 

"We're not too far away from shore now, by my guess." The man chirped cheerfully and Mei nodded her head, eyes still staring into the abyss-like water below. 

"Thanks, Sandy." She muttered, looking up for a brief moment to meet his gaze and he nodded before they lapsed into silence. Something she was grateful for because it gave her time to think. Time to contemplate everything that had happened in such a short span of time. Because a lot had happened.

Away from their home, Mei had been on a business trip with her parents when everything went to shit. She'd been bored, relaxing at the house and trying to text MK, who wasn't answering his phone annoyingly, when her parents suddenly rushed in, grabbing her and saying things so quickly and panicked that she couldn't keep up with it all. 

Well, at least she wasn't bored anymore. 

They had suitcases in hand, like they were leaving and Mei didn't understand what was going on as she was tugged through their house, watching her dad pull out their family heirloom, a green sword he always took with him when they went on trips so it didn't get stolen and put it in his bag, secured in its black case.

"Hurry sweetheart, we need to leave now." She remembered her mother saying, tugging her along and it was the last thing she'd ever hear her say because just as she was tugged outside something collided into her mother, knocking her over and knocking Mei down too.

The screams she heard from her mother kicked Mei's adrenaline into motion, looking up to find someone on top of the older woman, eating and biting at her mother's face. It was horrific and all Mei could see was blood as hands grabbed her and pulled her away, tearing her from the scene as she gasped with wet eyes and looked up to find her father pulling her along. He didn't even spare a glance behind them at her mother, whose screams cut off ominously after another horrifying, long second. 

"Dad? What's-" 

"Not now, Mei. We have to get out of here!" Her dad hissed, and she followed him, her eyes wide as she looked around to find other people running and even more people on the ground, unmoving. 

What was going on? It was like an apocalypse! She saw someone tackle someone else, immediately biting into the lady's shoulder and it clicked suddenly what she was looking at. 

Holy shit! It was a zombie apocalypse! She'd thought and theorized about what she'd do if there ever was one from time to time, but who hadn't? She hadn't thought it would actually ever happen! 

It was as terrifying as it was totally awesome.   

Mostly awful though.

Down the road she heard cars crash into each other, gasping at the fire and explosion that shot up from the wreckage as she kept running and tried not to stop and stare. Not that she could, with her dad pulling on her arm like that.

Then they turned a corner and something jumped at them, and she watched as her dad tried to stop it, staring with wide eyes as he grappled with what looked like another person. A person with snarling, drooling teeth and blood pouring out of an open, deep wound that should have probably killed them in their neck. 

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