Stained Glass and Stained Hands (25)

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Warnings: Gore Descriptions

MK decided quickly that the gas station wasn't safe. Sure, the zombies were still headed toward the superstore due to the alarm still going off so none lingered around MK's hideout so long as he was quiet, but eventually, the alarm would stop, and then MK would be surrounded by a horde of hungry, angry zombies that would definitely be able to break through the glass doors at the entrance. 

He looked around the small gas station shop quietly, taking a couple of bits of food and a bottle of water off the shelves and shoving them in his bag before looking around the back entrance. Sadly, it was locked when he tried the handle, so it looked like the only way out was through the entrance, where MK could still see zombies shuffling passed when he looked through the windows. 

Great. He was trapped. 

Maybe it was for the best though. Wukong would have a much easier time finding him if he stayed put. 

Although his older brother wouldn't know he'd still be in here, would he? And hadn't he said they'd meet up somewhere if they got separated? Maybe Wukong was already on his way there now. What was it he'd said? The tallest building in the city?

He wondered where that was or how he'd find it. Well, he'd need to find somewhere high up to look around, for starters, which was the opposite of what he was doing now, sitting with his back to the wall with aching legs and listening to the sounds of hell on earth around him.

He should... probably try to get going, right? 

Before he'd even moved his stomach growled angrily at him, the loudness of it making him flinch and peak out worriedly through the windows again. It didn't look like any zombies had heard, so he let out an inaudible sigh of relief before carefully opening up a chocolate bar and biting into that.   

It tasted amazing, and he closed his eyes as he scarfed down the food, still feeling hungry after the small bar and wondering what else he could eat. There was a lot of food in the shop, so MK was quick to find some more chocolate bars and eat those too. He would have liked to eat some of the crisps he'd found, but figured that would be too noisy and reluctantly left them alone. 

After eating, MK felt a little less lightheaded and sick, so he went back to watching zombies pass out the windows, holding his breath when one got too close to his liking to the shop. 

He wondered how he was supposed to get out of here briefly, feeling sickeningly trapped for a moment before calming himself and clenching his fists in determination. He was finding a way out of here. 

Unfortunately, the closest building was a few yards away, across the road and down the path a little, but there were trees along the grass bank next to the path, so maybe he could climb those to get out of reach? The branches didn't touch the tree next to it, so he couldn't swing across or anything though.  

Ugh, why did this have to be so difficult?! MK threw his hands up in silent frustration, having to force himself not to angrily sigh at his predicament. 

Annoyed, MK waited... and waited... and waited, growing more and more bored as the number of zombies passing slowly decreased, obviously gathering at the supermarket down the road. He lay on the floor of the gas station, waiting impatiently as the sun grew higher in the sky, reaching its peak and making him uncomfortably hot since he couldn't open any windows in here. 

He did have plenty of water to drink though, sipping on it whenever he was bored and trying not to die of boredom and worries about Wukong's whereabouts as he waited for an opportunity to get to the house a few yards away. He did carefully remove the bell from the doorway though, holding it so that it couldn't make any noise carefully.  

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