Good(bye)Morning! (7)

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When MK woke up his first, immediate thought was, I wonder if Red Son's still here, followed quickly by, Bai He isn't awake. Why isn't Bai He awake? Usually, she woke him up. She was always the first one awake, bouncing on his bed and waking him up. It was almost disturbing waking up without that and his mind spun into worries of her being dead or injured or unwell even though that made no sense.

Still, he couldn't shake the worry as he got out of bed, rushing over to the room Bai He had picked out and then barging in.

"Bai He?" He called out expecting a little head to poke out over the covers but the bed was empty and his heart was thundering in his chest, fluttering like a bird as he tried not to panic, checking around the room with growing worry.

"Bai He, where are you kiddo?" He called again, really beginning to hyperventilate when it became clear the room was empty and he was alone.   

He left to look around the house, praying she was still inside and hoping to any gods' that would listen that she hadn't gone outside for some reason only to burst into the kitchen, mind screeching to a stop at the sight in front of him as he stood frozen in the doorway.

"What? Don't gawk you noodle brain!" Red Son screamed at him and he blinked, looking over at Bai He who was sitting at the table, waiting happily and kicking her legs back and forth while Red Son cooked. 

There were eggs and bacon as far as MK could see where he was standing and Red Son glared harder at him, obviously frustrated while MK tried to compute the image of Red Son cooking like a housewife, wearing an apron and all. 

"What! Never seen someone make breakfast before? Either sit down or help before I hit you!" The older teen huffed and MK walked over dumbly into the kitchen, Bai He waving and then getting up to hug him. 

"Good morning MK! Red Son is making me breakfast!" She cheered, and MK returned the hug as he blinked again at Red Son who had a red flush on his cheeks. 

"Only because she kept distracting me! Don't make a big deal of this you idiot." He sneered after seeing the look of surprise and delight on MK's face and he grinned back knowingly, having been wrapped around Bai He's finger too. 

"Great! Do you want me to help?" MK asked politely as he looked at the different foods Red Son was cooking, breathing in the delicious smell the bacon was creating as Red Son rolled his eyes. 

"Do I really look incompetent enough to need help?" He huffed with a raised eyebrow and Bai He clapped her hands together. 

"Oh! Can I help?" She asked sweetly, battering her eyes but Red Son was looking at the cooking food and didn't see it.

"No, I already told you this is hot and I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt." He explained, sounding uncaring but MK knew better. 

"Aww, but MK lets me help him." She pouted and this time Red Son did look over, turning around so that he could glare at MK who swallowed nervously. 

"Well MK is reckless and irresponsible!" He insulted but MK didn't take it personally, rubbing the back of his neck and agreeing that it was probably true. He wondered how Red Son knew that about him though as Bai He got offended on his behalf, clinging to him tightly.

"That's not true! MK's the best! He's not reck-less or irr-espons-ible." It took her a second to sound out the bigger words and MK cooed at her cuteness, thinking inwardly that he had the sweetest little sister in the world.

"Oh yeah? If he's not reckless then how'd he get hurt, huh?" Red Son shot back and MK felt himself frown at this, pailing as he wondered how he'd known that. 

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