Built-Up (20)

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MK woke up feeling comfortable, his body was relaxed and warm and there was something pressing over his back that made him want to stay wherever he was forever. It reminded him of when he fell asleep with Mei during a sleepover. They were both cuddle bugs and always woke up with their arms and legs all over each other. Usually with MK on top. 

But he hadn't seen Mei in so long, so it couldn't be her, and the person he was lying on was too big to be her anyway. 

He opened his eyes, stretching out his legs as they blinked open and then his whole mind froze when he realized he'd fallen asleep on Wukong, the older fast asleep underneath him on the couch and his arm resting heavily on MK's back. Huh. 

He wasn't as embarrassed as he should have been, or maybe it was the sleepy, comfortable feeling that still blanketed him that was keeping him so calm but as it was he simply smiled to himself, his heart warm and soft.

He was glad Wukong was still asleep, because if the older was awake then he really would be embarrassed, but since he was still snoring quietly MK took his time in sitting up, yawning as he untangled their legs and sat back so he was leaning again the couch instead of Wukong, the others hand sliding off him as he shifted in his sleep.

He couldn't believe how much better he felt after a restful night of sleep, he'd missed cuddles. The last person he'd cuddled with had been Bai He, and the memory made him smile even though it hurt. She would have loved Wukong, and MK was willing to bet Wukong would have loved her too. After all, it was hard not to, she was so adorable.

Or had been.

The thought soured the moment and MK pushed it all aside, wanting to enjoy the morning rather than cry again.

His stomach made a noise and he shuffled off the couch, careful not to wake Wukong as he shuffled out of the room and into the kitchen, stretching his arms high above his head and listening as his muscles all clicked loudly.

It was satisfying, and he grinned at the feeling, bringing his hands together and clicking his fingers too as he looked around for something to eat. The real question is whether or not he should make a proper breakfast or just get something easy.

His drowsiness decided for him and he found some healthy-looking cereal in the cupboard to eat, a little disappointed that there wasn't any chocolate-covered cereal. This one looked boring. His eyes slid over the fruit bowl and a thought hit him, making him grab a knife, pick up a peach, and start cutting it up to go with his boring cereal. It would definitely make it taste sweeter at least.          

He went to turn back to the living room to eat but paused, wondering if the noise would wake Wukong, and decided to sit on the counter in the kitchen where Wukong had been sitting the day before, his back pressed against a cabinet as he ate his food while the morning light warmed him as it peaked in through the lacy blinds on the windows. 

He didn't open them though, content on not seeing or thinking about what was outside for a little longer, and anytime he heard noises or groaning he ignored it, pretending like he hadn't heard it at all.

"Good morning, kiddo." MK jumped at the voice, almost dropping his bowl as he squeaked and flung his head towards the doorway, Wukong walking in smugly like he knew he'd surprised MK and was amused about it. 

"Woah, sorry bud, didn't mean to scare you." MK didn't believe him but smiled anyway as he calmed down, legs kicking back and forth. 

"No, it's okay! I was only started a little bit anyway. Sorry that I didn't get you any breakfast. I wasn't sure when you'd wake up so.." He trailed off as Wukong waved his apology away.

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