Kiba: This lady is suicidal. There's no way she thinks she can beat all of us.

Naruto: <to Utsumi> Two can play at that game, creepy lady!

He also created multiple shadow clones of himself.

(Y/N): Well, while you guys are duking it out, I'm going to get Crimson.

The group began to battle, with each member of the Eight-Man Squad fighting against one Utsumi clone.

Naruto himself charged for the real Utsumi, who fought back.

(Y/N) whistled as he walked over to the hole in the inn to get his weapon.

A clone of Utsumi leapt at him, claws out ready for the kill, but he simply ducked to avoid the swing.

Tenten then jumped at the clone, hitting it with nunchucks.

(Y/N) went back into the inn, picked up Crimson which was in its katana form, and walked back out into the street.

Outside, he saw the real Utsumi surrounded by the Leaf Shinobi. All of her clones were gone.

Utsumi: Damn you—!

Lee: You made a grave mistake taking us all on at the same time.

Sakura: <smirking> Especially with the Copy Ninja here.

Kakashi: <glaring> It would be wise to surrender.

Utsumi: I'll kill you all!!

She made a hand sign, but before she could do anything, (Y/N) sliced her multiple times with Crimson.

(Y/N): Blade Dance!

He skidded across the ground a few feet away from her, holding Crimson out dramatically all anime-like.

Kiba and Shino rolled their eyes.

Shino: Show-off.

Utsumi coughed up blood before stumbling forward, her chest bleeding.

Kakashi: Just one more thing.

He punched her in the face, knocking her out.


The group stood at the entrance to the town. Utsumi was unconscious and thrown around Neji's shoulder. Her wounds were patched up.

Naruto: She wasn't so tough.

Sai: Because it was all of us against her. If it was one-on-one or she had backup it would probably have gone like it did at the Land of Eddies.

Tenten: She pulled a stupid move fighting all of us like that.

(Y/N): She was after me because I killed her sister a while back. Well, it wasn't even that long ago.

Yamato: Well, we now have one of Yugen's henchwomen captive. We could get useful information out of her.

Kakashi: That's only if Yugen didn't do any weird tricks that prevents her from talking, like a seal.

Neji: We'll find out when we bring her to Ibiki.

Lee, Tenten, and Neji were about to leave to go back to the Leaf Village. They were bringing Utsumi with them.

Tenten: Are you sure you don't want to come back with us, (Y/N)? You were badly injured in that explosion.

(Y/N) had told them everything that had occurred, especially his fight with Deidara.

(Y/N): I'm staying. If there's even a chance of catching Sasuke, I'm going to be there. He was lucky I was out cold...

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