Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault

Start from the beginning

"Indeed, now we must prepare, tomorrow and day-after tomorrow will be crucial days, they will pave the way for the Fall of the Supernatural..." The others nodded in understanding as they got back to their work, leaving Issei alone with Ddraig as the Red Dragon Emperor asked, "So it is about damn time, right?"

"Indeed, the end of the Supernatural has begun, Norse will be the first to fall and the Devils, they will be the last to fall, with Sirzechs being the last devil to fall, I will kill him personally.." Ddraig nodded in understanding, as he added his own words, 

"Y'know, I was hoping you to say that, this charade has gone on for long enough, I was actually wondering when you will show them your true self to the Factions..." Issei nodded in understanding as he spoke, "Yeah, I was expecting soon enough...let's just head home, I have another appointment to deal with..." 

Ddraig nodded in understanding as Issei teleported out of there leaving the others to work on the Death Star, he did promise to reveal the truth to both Seekvaira Agares and Latia Astaroth, once he checked on the Death Star. 

 Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura.

Opening End

Hyoudou Residence, 10:00 PM

Issei was seated in front of Latia and Seekvaira, the girls remained silent by what he had to speak for them as Latia spoke with a smile, thus breaking the silence. 

"So Issei, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Issei took a deep breath and asked his first question, "I will be honest, what are your thoughts on the Droid Faction?"

"I am not going to lie in this case, but I am thankful for them.." Seekvaira was surprised by this revelation as she muttered in slight disbelief, "Latia.."

"No Seek-chan, I am done pretending that I want to be a part of the Astaroth Family, they never came for me, and neither did your parents did for you, right?" Latia responded coldly as Seekvaira soon lost her surprised look and responded in an equally angered tone, "I guess you are right...they chose to leave me here while they stayed in the Underworld..."

"As for my thoughts, while I am not sure about the destruction, but in a way, they showed the reality of the Supernatural, like. My parents never came to visit me, or even my relatives, they are so driven by their own fear of you that they chose not to do this, they left me on my own devices, Issei...I am not even sure whether I can hate them at this point, since they never attacked me nor the other girls as well..." Issei was surprised by the responses of the two girls, he knew that they held some bad blood towards their own parents and did not blame them for that, he was angered by how callous the Devils were towards their own family. 

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