Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real -Some random website

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The house was filled with a still silence. The moonlight shown through the windows, being the only illumination.

None were awake, or so Dark thought. He wandered through the house out of boredom. Silent footsteps. 

He stopped, as he found a door opened. The name engraved on the door belongs to the one and only Wilford Warfstache. The room and door would often change with him. New name, new colour scheme, new fonts as well. Quite unusual, but so was the man himself.

Dark peered inside. That same stillness remained in Wilford’s room as it did the rest of the house. Not colourful and full of life as it usually was. Wilford never turned off the lights. Unlike the white lights in the house, Wilford’s room always had a more yellow light. Now it was dark. The pink room covered in shadows of the night.

Dark closed the door, curious about Wilford. Where he went, why’d he even gone in the first place. It wasn’t uncommon for Wil to be gone during the night. He could be gone for days on end. But for the room to seem as dead as Dark was abnormal.

Dark went back to his room, tracing his steps. Back through the maze that was their mystical home.

Dark soon found his bedroom door was opened as well. That familiar yellow glow of light shown from the room out into the hall.

Darkiplier got to the doorway, and looked confused at Wilford. Wil was curled up on the floor next to Dark’s bed. “Wil, are you okay?”

“I can’t tell what is real, Dark. I- I can see words. We have them. We have so many of them, thousands of them-” Wilford blubbered. Wilford was a madman, that was never up for debate.

“You watched Fahrenheit 451 with Yan, didn’t you?” Darkiplier asked, and closed the door to his room.

Wilford looked at the ceiling. “Dark, what is reality?!”

“I don’t know, Wil. We live in an eternal narrative.”

“… Good point. But you don’t think the creator would make an entire chapter about us questioning reality just because he was forced to watch a movie in English class, right?”

The cold of Darkiplier's room surrounded them both. The the room itself felt like sitting in the show at times.

“No, of course not.”

The lights turned off, but Dark didn’t move a muscle. They made no attempt to move or do anything. Just stare… their deep black eyes boring into Wilford’s soul practically.

“I’m so tired, Dark. You understand, I know you do. I exist not only in words, but in thoughts. Exhaustion as I exist longer than any of you. Memories I have that were deemed to be [not canon]. Universes destroyed in front of my very eyes.”

“Wil, you need sleep.”

“I don’t want to sleep, Dark…”

Dark put a hand out for Wilford. He took it reluctantly.

Dark pulled Wilford up. “Off to bed.”

“We’re being rushed. I don’t want to rush the story, rush the ending. I want to continue. We must have a little more time. Class isn’t over already, is it?”

Dark opened the door and dragged Wilford into the hall. “Go to sleep.”

“More descriptions, more words- MORE OF SOMETHING PLEASE-”

Dark looked into Wilford’s eyes. “Go to sleep, Wil.”


(I'm feeling really meta. Things with Y/N / Greg are coming!!!)

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