You looked at Zane. He bowed to a dummy, who just bonked him on the head with a wooden axe.

"Zane is a brother and brothers are often different." Wu said calmly. "I should know." He muttered the last part.

You racked your brain. Out of all the scrolls and books you've read, you knew you had information about Zane's strange behaviour. He's different, yes, but in a good way.

The doorbell echoed all over the monastery. 

"Mail!" the ninja excluding Zane said in unison, running to the gates. You were sure you didn't have anything, but you went to go check it out anyways.

The mailman rummaged in his basket. 

"Let's see... a letter from Jay's parents. Mm... Kai has a fan letter. Oh, something from Cole's father." the mailman gave the three ninja their letters.

"What, no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures, Beasts & Beyond." Cole asked. 

"No, nothing from... aha here it is!" Cole received his package and walked away. "Ah, Rocky's gonna love this!"

Jay and Kai opened their letters. You waved the mailman goodbye. Oh poor him. He must've taken a long time to climb up those stairs.

You peeked over Kai's shoulder to read his letter. Just some fangirl -_-

Zane entered the courtyard slowly. You wondered why he didn't have letters. Surely his parents must send letters to him?

"Hey Zane, how come you never hear anything from your parents?" Jay voiced out his thoughts without a filter. You smacked him on the back of his head for his insensitivity. He rubbed his head and his face contorted in an annoyed and pained expression.

"I don't remember my parents. I've been an orphan all of my life." Zane responded. You sighed. You and me together, Zane. You pat him on the shoulder.

Kai and Jay exchanged a glance. "You mean you never had a home?"

Zane shook his head.

"The monastery is your home now." Sensei Wu assured Zane, but Zane walked away. You go after him.

"Zane, you ok?" you said softly, resting a hand on his shoulder. He didn't seem to recognise the gesture.

"I'm fine, Y/n." 

You knew that lie. The lie you told countless people over your life. 

A/n: Can any of you relate ^?

"Look, I was an orphan too." You said. "I understand."

Zane stopped and looked at you. "Thank you for trying to help me. Would you like to assist me in cooking dinner?"

You felt a little taken aback at the question. "Sure, no problem." 

You head to the kitchen with Zane. He put on a pink apron with flowers. You didn't complain, since you used to wear that too.

Ninjas' POV

Everyone sat at the table. 

"Mm, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook." Jay commented.

"Hey, I didn't hear any complaints about my duck chowder last night." Cole remarked.

Kai rolled his eyes. "That's because it glued our mouths shut. You really thought Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?"

"Yeah, please don't make that again." Jay muttered. Cole shot the fire and lightning ninja a glare.

Your POV

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