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(The next morning, 9:20 PM)

I've only had sleepless nights without Milena. She has made a huge difference in my life and I can't explain it no matter how much I try. She's like a magnet, drawing me into her. Like a puppet on a string, she controls me.

But I don't mind it.

Blinded is what I've become, I've lost my ambition, lost sight of my goal, but I don't care. For the first time in my life, I want to change, I want to live like normal people, I want to be with her and make all her dreams come true.

I put down the barbell, grab my towel, and walk out of the gym while drying myself. I head straight for our suite to get ready for the day. I finish taking a shower and changing into my formal clothes, then enter the living room. The moment I enter, I see the terrified faces of Massimo and Henry. They both look at me with strange expressions, a mix of fear and confusion.

"What's going on?" I ask as my brows start to frown.

"Milena's on the move." Massimo says after taking a deep breath.

"What?! It can't be... it's too soon!"

"We thought the same, but it looks like you made her rush it even more" Massimo says with pity.

"Don't be dumb! Explain what's happening!" I order them.

"They took Lucia to the hospital first thing in the morning, around 7 AM." Henry speaks.

"Did Milena go with her?" I ask.

"Nope. Last night you told Jordan to check on Lucia, according to him it's just Lucia, Tatiana, and three other men keeping an eye on them. So far, nothing new from that side." Henry explains.

"We also thought she'd go with Lucia and plan to run away somehow, but we were VERY wrong." Massimo says, he pauses then continues.

"We listened to Milena's conversation with Popov earlier and we learned that Milena was the one who got Clyde caught. Henry thought she did that to save Clyde, I thought otherwise."

"And I was right!" Henry says with a joyful smile and a clap. "Milena blamed him for putting the phone inside her room, Popov had him sent to the basement where Johnny is. Then when she was talking to Popov earlier, she made him doubt that Clyde could have done such a thing. She said maybe his enemies planned to eliminate his right-hand man using that phone which only has her and Clyde's fingerprints on it. Dude I swear! This woman is so fucking smart! She has a PLAN inside A PLAN!"

I watch his happy face and get a strange feeling from it.

"Clyde is still inside a cell just like Johnny, the only thing that changed was the security. No one is guarding that basement. It seems like Milena made Popov think that his mansion is in danger and that the infiltrator is someone else." Massimo says.

"She sent Tatiana to go with Lucia, and Evan to buy dinner for homeless people. She said giving out food or money will help bring good luck to a home." Henry speaks.

"She wanted me to tell Tony that the kids are innocent and to send a female distraction. Is the first part of her plan done?" I ask.

They both exchange looks then face me again with Henry breaking the silence after clearing his throat.

"The 'female distraction' happened too."

"WHAT?!" I yell.

"Aaaand the right wing of the mansion is currently on fire." Henry speaks again.


"We were waiting for you, we didn't think she'd actually start a fire! It started like one minute before you came in!" Massimo explains.

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