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Milena POV

The flight was mostly quiet after Stefano's tantrum. I couldn't believe how my heart skipped a beat over his possessive speech. If I didn't know the kind of things he is capable of, I would've started to feel something for him at some point.

He's a monster with no conscience. He is selfish, controlling, greedy, and a psychopath. No way I'd fall for someone like him. Even though I knew that, I still couldn't look at him again, I felt something at that moment... I just don't know what it was.

It took about five and a half hours to reach where we are right now. We're currently entering the front yard of yet another mansion, but in Miami. This one also seems old, but unlike the previous one, the yard seems neat and taken care of.

To my surprise, they didn't cover my eyes on the way. I don't know what Stefano has planned for me, but that's not exactly a good sign. No way he trusts me. After getting out of the car, I see a tall, slim older man wearing a black suit and standing with his back to some stairs, looking to be leading to the front door of the mansion.

I look to my right and see a massive garage, then next to it a smaller yet similar building facing the mansion. To my right, a two-room-looking house which appears to be for security. This is like a fortress... why is the security so tight? This place has more men than I've ever seen in my life. My body starts to get tense at the worst thoughts running through my mind.

"Avrei dovuto farvi visita qualche giorno fa, mi scuso per il ritardo, signore." (I was supposed to visit you a few days ago, I apologize for the delay sir)

The older man speaks while looking our way, he constantly switches his gaze between me and Stefano.

"Nessun problema Alessandro, la tua salute è più importante. Come stai?" (no problem Alessandro, your health is more important. How are you?)

Stefano says while approaching him with a smile. He seems carefree.

"Mai migliore! E chi è lei, signore?" (Never better! And who is she sir?)

Alessandro says while looking at me with a tilted head.

"Una gatta randagia che ho trovato per strada" (a stray cat I found on the streets)

Stefano responds with a big smile, after taking one glance at me.

I will kill him one day.

"Ho un proprietario, non sono una gatta randagia" (I have an owner, I'm not a stray cat)

I speak with my voice loud and stern enough for him to know. But it seems like I only made things worse.

"Sta parlando di me" (she's talking about me)

Stefano turns to him, speaking with amusement, then turns to see my reaction. I look away while rolling my eyes and sighing in disbelief.

"But sir we are not prepared, you didn't inform me of this" Alessandro switches to English after realizing I speak Italian, but he somewhat whispers to Stefano with a confused expression.

"Prepare for what?" Stefano asks even more confused.

"Nadia and Lucia are home, we-we haven't prepared your bed and your room, also Nadia threw away your usual toys, I need time to buy new ones, as you know they're extremely rare to find"

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