Chapter 18: Peverell's

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Hogwarts was in chaos.

Why? Because of one - Harry Potter.

Last night, after many failed attempts to reverse the damage the twins (and Harry) had caused with their pranks, Cassidy, the Warner siblings, and Granger were released to their dormitories.

For Granger, she endured the humiliation and laughter as maturely as she could. That is, she whined and threw a tantrum in the common room. And when the twins refused to undo the prank, she cried about it to McGonagall. Said Professor listened with an impassive face, consoling the crying girl as much as she could before sternly informing her that she could not "continue to act with such disregard for her fellow student's feelings" and needed to "shape up in reference to her conduct" otherwise she'd continue to be targeted each time she made enemies amongst the student body. Granger wasn't too happy being told off and returned to her dorm, shutting her curtains and sulking.

It wasn't as easy for Cassidy and Warner. Upon their arrival to the Hufflepuff common room, their entire house sat in attendance.

The Headboy, Michael Clade, stood, arms crossed in the front of the den. Shuffling forward, the still bald girls scowled as their housemates didn't even bother to hide their snickers.

"Evidently, you both are not worthy of being in this House." Clade begun. "Hufflepuffs are supposed to be welcoming and loyal. Not bullies."

"It's not fair! They were snakes!" Cassidy said indignantly. She still believes that she had done no wrong in targeting the first year Slytherins. They shouldn't have been creeping around the Greenhouses.

"They are eleven year olds!" Clade admonished.

"Look, we don't like the Slytherin's either," a fifth year student stepped forward, "but it was low to attack first years."

"They were snooping!" Warner was drained from constantly rehashing her defenses. She had thought, after Dumbledore had given them a pass, that everything was done with. Evidently, that was not the case.

Clade pinched the bridge of his nose. "After your initial conduct was revealed, we made the collective decision to place you on restricted common room hours."

Cassidy rolled her eyes, "you grounded us," she muttered petulantly. "Just say it as it is."

"Seeing as you haven't learnt anything from this, we've decided that those who disagree with your actions and your defense are to shun you. From now on, you are a blank student - similar to Granger."

Cassidy and Warner gaped, "You can't do that!" Warner screeched.

"I didn't do anything. This is the response, agreed upon by the entire house, due to your actions." Clade retorted.

Huffing, the two girls made their way to their dorm.

When night fell, they laid in their beds, tossing and turning. "Is it warm in here?" Warner questioned.

"You too?" Cassidy asked.

Their other dorm mates were fast asleep, having ignored them for the entire night.

In the Ravenclaw dorms, Ellington Warner was experiencing similar trouble. Despite removing his t-shirt and sheets, he was still sweating. There was no comfortable spot on the bed.

Huffing, he attempted to make do only for his eyes to shoot open not even a minute later. With him no longer shuffling along the bed, he could feel a slight movement of the material.

"Wha-" Warner, sleep deprived and exhausted, bit out. His skin burned from where the blisters were and no one would look at his pus-filled face. It was humiliating and had taken a toll on him all day.

A Bright StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora