Weasley's to the Rescue

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Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump. THump.


Harry crashed to the floor.

"W-what's that?" Cassiopeia yawned, bleary eyed from her cocoon of blankets.

Groaning, Harry got to his feet, rolling his eyes at the Cassiopeia shaped lump on the bed before cautiously making his way to the window.

Cassiopeia yelped, shimming her way to Harry when he paused to look at her. Grasping a hold on his forearm the younger girl stared at Harry wide eyed. "You're not going to look, are you?"

"Of course I am," Harry told her before continuing to the window. Still having a hold on him, Cassiopeia walked half a step behind him.

"What if it's a killer?" She whispered, mindful to keep her voice low.


They jumped, startled, before Cassiopeia tightened her hold, fingers slightly biting into Harry's skin.

"HARRY!" A voice shouted, shocking them again. "Are you there?!"

A large grin grew on Harry's face, as he raced to the window not paying mind to Cassiopeia's yelp.

"Ron!" Curtains pulled back, Harry watched in barely concealed awe as his best friend appeared.

In a floating car.


Sighing in relief, the blue eyed redhead boy waved at Harry.

"Ron, how did you - What the -," Harry's mouth fell open as the full impact of what he was seeing hit him. Ron was leaning out of the back window of an old turquoise car, which was parked in midair. Grinning at Harry from the front seats were Fred and George, Ron's elder twin brothers and fellow pranksters Harry had befriended last year.

Harry pushed the window up to make communicating easier, wincing slightly at the screech it made. Pausing, he breathed a sound of relief when he didn't hear any noise from the other bedrooms.

"What's been going on," said Ron. "Why haven't you been answering my letters. I've asked about twelve times if you wanted to stay over and then Dad came home last week and said you'd got an official warning for using magic in front of muggles -"

"It wasn't me - and how did he know."

"He works for the Ministry," said Ron. "You know we're not supposed to do spells outside school -"

"You should talk," said Harry, staring at the floating car.

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