The First Morning

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Waking up, Cassiopeia had never been more thankful for the early hours at Wools. There, she'd usually be up at five, having to get ready and then begin breakfast for the rest of the residents. Now, she could take some time to get dressed and process the night before.

A sharp pang echoed in her heart, but Cassiopeia had had a lot to sleep on. Yes, Harry had missed her sorting. BUT there had to be a reason. He can't just abandon me. Not like them.

Harry was not her parents. He wasn't.

Cassiopeia just needed to be reasonable, level headed, and calm.

The calmness lasted all of forty minutes.


Cassiopeia huffed, throwing herself to the ground, crossing her legs and glaring.

"Is that really necessary?" Astoria raised an eyebrow. She and Lysandra had gotten up soon after Cassiopeia exited the showers.

Cassiopeia scowled, is it necessary for you to speak?

Lysandra smothered a laugh, picking up the green and silver tie lying at the foot of her bed. Eyes sparkling, she turned towards Cassiopeia.

"Let me help you," the older girl beckoned her to stand, something Cassiopeia did reluctantly.

"It's evil." Cassiopeia said petulantly, huffing as Lysandra smoothed the material.

Astoria and Lysandra giggled. They had watched the ravenette attempt to tie her tie for the last ten minutes, each attempt making the girl more and more aggravated. It shouldn't have been amusing, but it was like watching a bunny get angry. Her nose scrunched up, her cheeks puffed out, and for some reason she made an angry huffing noise that she didn't even seem aware of doing.

"Come here," Lysandra made sure her hands were in Cassiopeia's line of vision before reaching out and grabbing a hold of her wrist, tugging Cassiopeia to the space in front of her. Cassiopeia blinked, eyes widening as Lysandra draped the tie around her neck.

I thought she was going to show me how to tie it, a pink hue rose on Cassiopeia's cheeks, not tie it for me.

Uncaring of her growing embarrassment, Lysandra pulled the material tightly, slotting the tie to rest against Cassiopeia's throat comfortably. "There," the eldest in the room nodded, "a proper Slytherin."

Cassiopeia gave a shy smile, thanking her softly before quickly moving to grab her bag from her bed. Behind her, she missed Lysandra rolling her eyes fondly and Astoria stifling her laughs in her hands.


Entering the common room, the girls found all but Corvus and Caleum sitting in the armchairs. There were upper years scattered throughout the room, some lounging around while others entered and exited through the portrait.

"Good Morning," Cayden greeted as they made their way down the stairs, gaining the attention of Nicholas.

"Morning!" Cassiopeia chirped, smiling blindingly to the two, pigtails swishing as she hopped in place.

"Don't ask," Astoria sighed, shaking her head at the boys' questioning looks.

Lysandra groaned, sinking into the plush armchair. "You take her, just take her!"

"I'm not that bad!" Cassiopeia huffed.

"You've been talking about classes for the last half hour!" Lysandra retorted.

"What's wrong with that?" Nicholas asked, staring at the bubbling raven-haired girl befuddled. He didn't see what was so wrong about her being excited on their first day. He'd be surprised if they weren't excited as well.

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