To The Dursley's

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It had been two weeks since the day Cassiopeia told Harry about her acceptance to Hogwarts. Two weeks since she had made Harry stop and think for himself.

Since then, the two had been meeting when they could - meaning when Harry wasn't locked up and bound to his room and Cassiopeia wasn't in trouble.

They discussed the Hogwarts Houses a bit more, Harry seeming to realize he had made a mistake misjudging the whole of Slytherin House. Any doubts he had were quickly resolved when Cassiopeia, teary eyed, explained that she didn't want to lose him if she were sorted into Slytherin.

Harry had begun to reassure her that she wouldn't be sorted into Slytherin before stopping himself short. He had looked at Cassiopeia so intensely she had thought he could see her soul. Then he nodded, kissed her forehead, and told her she'd be the best snake in the pit and if anyone had a problem, they'd answer to him.

Harry earned himself a tackling hug and that was that.

They also talked about the classes, professors, and his friends and dorm mates. One afternoon, Harry had brought his wand and school books with him, he had snuck out of his room at night and picked the locks to the cupboard that his belongings had been locked into.

Cautiously, and with Mister Ollivanders words ringing in his ears, 'the wand picks you', Harry allowed Cassiopeia to hold his wand. It was surreal - a burst of magic dancing around the two of them, multicolored and lively. Magic blanketed them, was in every breath they breathed. It hummed a song, one that drew both Cassiopeia and Harry closer together without them even realizing.

And once Cassiopeia released the wand back into Harry's hold it stopped.

They had both blinked, slowly shaking out of their stupor.

Neither had an explanation for the experience. Cassiopeia had held the wand again, later on, and it hadn't happened again. So, they decided to push it aside, they'd focus more on it when they had more resources, and continued with their day.

Together they reviewed the material, Harry trying to answer any questions Cassiopeia asked.

To her amusement, it seemed that there were even some subjects Harry either had trouble with or seemed to not even have learnt yet despite it being his previous course work.

He struggled through his explanation of transfiguring live creatures into inanimate objects, something that had caused the two of them to raid his Transfiguration texts until they found the answer.

Reading about the Wizarding Wars had been pretty interesting to them both; apparently the Goblin War had only ended at a stalemate when the wiccans promised to sign an accord to adhere to Goblin Law when appropriate.

Cassiopeia had also learnt there had been six Dark Lords in history, not including Voldemort. Harry had told her about the nickname, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and really, Cassiopeia had to worry about the intelligence of the people in her new world. Giving an already feared Dark Lord a moniker like that would only stroke his ego, affirming that he was powerful to be called so by not only the general population but the ministry and law enforcement as well. Idiots.

Cassiopeia took great joy in pointing out to Harry that three of the Dark Lords hailed from outside of Britain, one in the Americas, and of the last two, one had been a Hufflepuff. The irony.

Aside from the educational aspect, Cassiopeia loved hearing Harry talk about his friends and Quidditch. He spoke with a warmth in his tone, fondness, and care, not yet love, but close enough, as he described his first wiccan friends. Not first friends. That title belonged to Cassiopeia and Cassiopeia only. She didn't share very well.

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