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"Are you sure you're alright, Gin?" Cassiopeia stared at her red-haired friend. The study group was wrapping up their session - having finished all the assigned homework for the week.

Ginny nodded with a tight smile that probably wouldn't convince anyone but Lockhart.

"Are the nargles bothering you?" Luna asked.

"Yea, is someone messing with you?" Emily added only for the statement to draw the boys' attention.

"Someone's bullying you?" Justin rose from his seat.

"We can take care of it," Caelum smiled mischievously.

"They won't even know it was us!" Connor smiled brightly.

Ginny couldn't help but laugh at her friends antics, her heart warming and aching simultaneously.

"I'm fine," she bit out, internally screaming, 'I need help! I don't want to do this! Please stop me!'

"Oh hey, we're going to miss the meeting!" Lacy yelped, eying her watch.

The Hufflepuffs quickly gathered their things, haphazardly throwing their parchment and books in their bags and saying quick goodbyes in their rush to return to their Common Room for their house meeting.

"We should head out too," Matthew said, staring at one of the windows facing the grounds. "It's going to be dusk soon."

"Luna is going to show us the niffers," Elizabeth answered the questioning glances, hooking her arm through Luna's.

"They hide when it's dark out," Luna added serenely. Her housemates gave her a fond look, before allowing the blonde to lead them out, saying their goodbyes to their friends.

"Why weren't we invited?" Astoria pouted while placing her homework in her folder.

Lysandra and Cassiopeia giggled at the girl.

"We should head back too, we promised not to be too late," Corvus said.

"Bye guys, get to your common room safely!"

The Snakes and Lions departed, making their way to their respective common rooms.

"I'm surprised we were able to leave without an escort," Cayden swung an arm around Lysandra's shoulder.

Nicholas snorted, "we took advantage of the fact that the upper years are studying for O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S."

"And Adelaide and Jasper are on prefect rounds," Corvus added.

The group paused in their step.

"We are in so much trouble if we're caught," Cassiopeia deadpanned.

"So let's not get caught!" Caelum ushered them all to a faster pace, hoping to not run into any of the prefects.


"Peia, come to bed!" Lysandra groaned, tossing her sheets over her head.

"In a minute!" Cassiopeia grinned, not at all guilty for her lamp being on and illuminating the room.

"You can organize your books later!" Astoria growled, throwing a pillow at the younger girl.

Cassiopeia giggled, catching the aforementioned object and returning the favor, earning an "oomph" as it hit Astoria in the face.

"I wouldn't have to do it if you hadn't knocked them all down," Cassiopeia said smartly, placing her charms book on top of her stack.

"It was an accident! Lys, tell her it was an accident!" Astoria refuted, throwing her hands up.

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