Well, Fuck

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". . . Rian?" Cassiopeia bit her lip. Harry had gone still the moment she had taken out the letter the Professor had given her when he had visited last week. She had expected some reaction out of Harry after she told him she was a witch, not before. Heck, even Cassiopeia had taken a bit of time to be reassured that the tiny Professor wasn't pulling a trick on her. But it had given her answers, like what her force was. Except, it also opened a hundred more questions.

There was a wizarding world.

A. Wizarding. World.

One connected right to theirs! She couldn't wait to learn more about it, was it similar to their world? Were there differences? Did they have the same customs?

"Rian?" Cassiopeia hesitated, then decided to go for it.

It was his fault anyway.

She poked his eye.

"Ow! Fuck," Harry cried out instantly, recoiling as he took his glasses off to hold his palm against his right eye. "Cassiopeia!"

"What?," she shrugged, completely unbothered at the sight of the older boy trying to subside his pain. "You zoned out."

"When did you get a Hogwarts letter?"

"Last week, on my birth -" Cassiopeia's eyes narrowed into slits. "How did you know it was a Hogwarts letter?"

Harry's eyes widened, making him wince slightly, while he hurried to place his hands up in a defensive maneuver. Cassiopeia was sweet, until you pissed her off. Then she became a cold, little bitch and Harry had no problems calling it as he saw it. He was also not afraid to admit that she scared him when mad.

"My boarding school, it's Hogwarts." Harry told her, sighing in relief when Cassiopeia's eyes lit up at the information.

"Really?! That's why you haven't told me any specifics, is it?! The Professor who gave me my letter said I had to keep quiet, but well," Cassiopeia looked at him sheepishly. "I had to tell you."

And Harry was truly and absolutely fucked. How could he not when Cassiopeia was staring at him with, well, love and trust in her eyes. Love - something Harry had never felt for another person nor received before the tiny raven-haired girl appeared in his life. He felt like an idiot for not telling Cassiopeia about the Wizarding World sooner.

Pulling the girl into a hug, Harry rested his chin on her head. "You should be careful Peia. If I was a muggle, you could've gotten into a lot of trouble." He scolded her.

Cassiopeia pulled away from him, "what's a muggle?" she tilted her head to the side, completely ignoring the rest of what he said. Of course, he rolled his eyes.

"A non-magical person. We're wiccans, I'm a halfblood and you're a muggleborn."

"Halfblood? Muggleborn?"

"There are three types of people in the Wizarding World," Harry shifted slightly, dislodging Cassiopeia from his lap and having the girl sit in front of him so he could begin his explanation.

"First there are Purebloods. Their families have a long line of wiccans. To be considered a Pureblood you have to have at least three generations of wiccans on each familial side.

Halfbloods are not as simple to explain. See, there are different ways for someone to be considered a halfblood. My dad was a Pureblood and my mum was a muggleborn."

Cassiopeia pursed her lips, "So to be a halfblood at least one parent has to be a Pureblood?"

Harry smiled at her, shaking his head. "Not entirely. You can also be a halfblood if a Pureblood and another halfblood got together. Or if two halfbloods were together."

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