The Common Room

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Cassiopeia and the other first years stood together, following the group of students down to the Slytherin Common room.

It was curious, Cassiopeia noticed, the first years were herded near the center of the circle. The second and third years caging them in on the sides. The fourth years stood directly in front of them, almost in a knightly formation. There was a tall raven haired boy that stood directly in the middle of the circle, flanked by two other boys who were then flanked by another boy and girl respectively. Peering up curiously, she observed the near mimic of formation by the upper years.

The path was silent and brisk for the most part and Cassiopeia took advantage of the almost serene atmosphere. She twisted every which way, trying to see as much of the castle as she could despite the fact that she surely was the shortest of the lot and couldn't see much over the others' heads.

Rounding another corner, they came to a stop.

"Pride," a velvety voice broke the silence.

Slowly everyone began to disappear into the passage, Cassiopeia holding tightly onto Astoria's hand as they inched their way forward.

Facing them was an intricate wall with spidery black branches crawling up it. In the torch light the branches gleamed an emerald green, smooth and polished. In the middle, framed by more of the rod-like branches in a lace work was an opened portrait.

Two prefects stood on either end, watching appraisingly as the first years approached. Glancing back, Cassiopeia met Theo's eyes who gave her a small smile. Cassiopeia minutely relaxed, offering a smile in return before looking forward again. She hadn't realized she needed the assurance but she was glad Theo had provided it. If only I could've seen Rian.

Cassiopeia shook her head, she couldn't think of that now. She had a task at hand. She had to make it through the night. Thinking of Harry now would only make her want to cry as her heart ached. No, she'd cry in the comfort of her bed, with the curtains pulled. Right now, she had a first impression to make on her housemates.

Lysandra entered the portrait first, smiling politely in thanks as one of the prefects gave her a hand as she crossed over the border. The boys, Cassiopeia noticed, had already gone through. Astoria was next, squeezing her hand once before she too went into the common room.

Walking closer, Cassiopeia realized the ledge was far higher than she previously thought, the castle bricks coming high, up to her knees. There's no way I'm making it up there . Cassiopeia observed the opening wide-eyed. Unlike the other girls, a polite hand to stabilize her as she crossed wouldn't be enough.

A violent flinch thrummed through her body as a pair of hands lifted her up by her waist. A small yelp escaped Cassiopeia's lips as she turned to look at who carried her over the border. It was a brown haired prefect; Cassiopeia could briefly make out the light brown highlights in the torch light. He was tanned, with light brown eyes and high cheekbones. Cassiopeia briefly remembered him sitting next to Marcus Flint at the table.

He placed her gently onto her feet before moving back to his stance near the portrait. Cassiopeia blinked, smiling gratefully at him, though she felt the rush of blood coming to her cheeks, and quickly turned on her heel to find the others.

The first years stood together opposite of a large seating area that held a fireplace in the middle.

"Are you alright?" Astoria's voice was soft, low as Cassiopeia came to stand beside her.

Said girl gave a nod, "I'm fine, although entering the common room won't be as easy." 

"You are tiny," Lysandra noted, running a keen eye over Cassiopeia who scowled at her.

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