Lions and Snakes

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It was a few weeks into the term when Cassiopeia had her epiphany.

She had spent countless days trying to spread herself out to not only do her homework, but also balance her friend groups. She was almost always around her fellow Slytherin's and had only been able to hang out with Ginny and Luna in the library when other Slytherin's were also there studying. They really take the rules seriously. Sometimes, Astoria and Lysandra accompanied her, much to her joy, and the girls had a blast gossiping and doing each other's hair. Cassiopeia saw Harry and the other Weasley's in passing, sometimes switching to eat dinner at the Gryffindor table much to many people's shock.

Fred and George had had a field day pranking students, even their own housemates, when someone said something derogatory towards her.

Cassiopeia was sick and tired of having to divide her time so much, she never truly enjoyed it when she was always on a tight schedule.

Which is what brought her to her current position. She was rocking on the balls of her feet, hands clasped in front of her, and a big, doe-eyed expression on her face as Adrian tried not to stare at her. No one can deny this face, Cassiopeia mentally smirked. The fifth year was squirming in his armchair, head tilted to the side with his Potion's book brought up to mid chest, as if to shield himself.

"Why won't you look at me," Cassiopeia's lower lip jutted out more pronounced, head tilted to the side. Adrian chanced a glance at her and groaned, tossing his head back against the plush, forest green chair.

Sweeping an arm across his eyes, the older boy huffed. "I know what you're doing Peia."

"I just have a question," the innocent tone was deceivingly good. Fuck Emelia for being right. Adrian refused to move from his position. Hearing shuffling, he knew Cassiopeia was moving closer to his seat. Mischievous little brat, he rolled his eyes fondly.

"You had a question for Marcus, too. And got him to help exclude you from flying lessons. You had a question for Gemma, and suddenly you have all of her old notes from first year," Adrian retorted amusedly. "I know you by now Peia, at least a little bit."

"Hey!" Marcus defended, head shooting up from the table he was doing his homework on.

Laughing, Zachariah Montogue nudged him, "he's not wrong you know."

"Let's see how you fare when Peia's staring at you like you killed Thumper!" Marcus scowled.

"Thumper?" the golden-haired boy asked. Marcus blushed, hiding his face in his book as he muttered a reply. "What did you say?"

"Peia has a picture book, I may have read it with her the other night."

Groaning, Marcus banged his head against the table, as laughter spread around him.

"You're one to laugh, Cassius," Adelaide smirked, batting his hand away as Cassius attempted to stop her, "I caught you reading Alice in Wonderland with her."

"Because you weren't reading Narnia," Delilah Shafiq teased, having caught the sixth year prefect reading with Cassiopeia in their dorm.

Terence laughed with the others as one by one, they each called the other out. Snorting, the King shook his head, softies, the bunch of them. He just hoped no one called him out for joining the book club and being convinced to read Babbity Rabbity. That was one embarrassment the King did not need.

"Adrrriiiiaaaaaaan," Cassiopeia drawed out his name, making the boy groan.

"Fine!" He threw his hands in the air, sitting upright defeatedly. "What do you need, Peia?"

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