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I was sitting by the window in my room at Grimmauld Place. It was a quiet and boring day, and I was reading the Daily Prophet when an owl flew towards the window. It crashed and spiraled down before I could open the window. It was an easy guess as to whom this owl belonged, as there could only be one such clumsy owl. It was Errol; there was a note from Ron tied to its claws. I took Errol up to see what the note said. It was scribbled in Ron's messy handwriting:

"Hey Harry, how are you? Mum and Dad have gone on vacation with Ginny, leaving me alone with George and perfect Percy. Do you want to come over for the summer? I've also asked Hermione to join. Send me a note with Hedwig if you are coming. 


I was delighted when I read it. Staying here alone with the grumpy old Kreacher was getting very boring. I quickly scribbled an answer to Ron and sent Hedwig off with Errol to the Burrow. I packed quickly and decided to leave tomorrow morning. I sat down on the edge of my bed, picked up the Daily Prophet, and opened a page where there was dire news:

"Temperamental weather all around the Long Islands"

There have been awful storms and tornadoes all around The Long Islands, destroying everything in their path. Not sure if wizard horseplay is involved, but the Ministry is looking into it. Till then, stay safe.

I got worried. The news is from America. If it had made it to the Daily Prophet, it must be really bad. Not only that, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had gone to the Long Islands, and Ginny was with them too. 

Hermione was interning in the Ministry; maybe she had more news than the Prophet was letting out. I put down the paper and turned off the light, forgetting to have dinner. When Kreacher suddenly called after some time, I got up and rushed down to eat.

Kreacher might be grumpy, but his meals were delicious. There was a surprise downstairs. A dripping-wet Hermione was standing there, being scolded by Kreacher for dropping in unannounced. She grinned when she saw me and said, 'Surprise!'

I gawked at her. She wasn't supposed to be back until next week from her internship with the Minister of Magic. She gave me a cheeky grin and explained before I could even ask her why she was here, 'I was with the Minister of Magic at Long Island when there was a sudden thunderstorm. He dismissed me before I could get hurt. I might not be called back for weeks. So, I thought I'd come here, and we could go to the Burrow from here and surprise Ron. He seemed lonely in his letters. Imagine him spending all these days with Fred and Percy all alone.' 

I grinned broadly and told her, 'I am glad you came over. Ron surely will be surprised. I am surprised to see you. I didn't expect you to be here for another few weeks.' 

She shrugged, 'I was going to leave to visit him tomorrow. You should come along.' 

Just then, Kreacher grunted and said, 'Are you people going to keep talking, or are you going to eat? The food is getting cold.' 

We sat down and ate, and wow, was the meal was delicious. Then went to bed happy that the three of them were going to be together soon.

The next day we crashed into The Burrow's living room using Floo Powder. Ron was lazily lying on the couch eating some snacks. Hermione said with a cheeky grin, 'Get up, you lazy pig.' Ron sat up startled.

Word count: 616 words

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will be posting the next chapter by next Wednesday. Sorry it's such a small chapter. I promise these chapters will get bigger soon.

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