091. terrible guardian angel

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They rush into the hotel, getting out of the pouring rain. Sam is holding twins, the two having their jacket hoods up.

"Whew. Nice digs, for once." Dean comments as they look around the lobby. They go to the front desk and ask for two rooms, the receptionist typing on his keyboard at a fast pace for a few moments. "Busy night."

"Any port in a storm, I guess." Chad says. "If you could just fill this out, please." He slides a clipboard to Dean with a pen. Sam puts the twins down, the girls leaning against him.

"Yeah." Dean mutters, filling the paper out.

"Sir, I think... shaving nick there." Chad hands Dean a tissue.

"Oh. Thanks." Dean puts the tissue to his neck, pulling it away and glancing at the dab of blood.

"Your keys." Chad holds them up.

"Thanks." Dean takes one and Jacob grabs the other. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a coffee shop, would you?"

"Buffet. All you can eat. Best pie in the tri-state area." Chad says.

"You don't say?" Dean asks.

"Buffet?" Libby lights up. Chad nods. Libby grins, racing off.

"Wh-- wait, wait. Libby." Sam calls, chasing after her, holding onto Evie's hand. "You don't even know where this thing is."

"I have a nose, I'll find it!" Libby calls back.

"Elizabeth!" Sam hisses.

"Somebody's in trouble." Evie giggles.

~ ~ ~

Sam is on his phone while they sit at a table in the hotel's buffet area.

"Sam, unpucker, man. Eat something." Dean says, sitting across from his brother.

"We should hit the road, Dean." Sam says.

"In this storm? It's--"

"It's Biblical. Exactly. I-- it's fucking Noah's Ark out there, and we're eating pie." Sam says.

"How many hours of sleep did you get this week?" Dean asks his brother. "What? Three, four? Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in 12 states." Dean says.

"Yeah, well, I'm not giving up." Sam says.

"Nobody's giving up. Especially me. We're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon. I can feel it. And we will find Cas, we'll find Adam. But you are no good to me burnt out." Dean says.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Sam mumbles.

"Come on, we've actually got the night off for once. Let's try to enjoy it." Dean says.

~ ~ ~

After eating, they go to their rooms that are across from each other and a couple is making out in front of the room that's next to theirs.

Dean points them out and smiles.

"Oh, what are you, 12?" Sam asks.

Larissa motions to Sam to hit Dean. Sam smacks Dean over the head. Natalie snickers as she walks into the room, Jacob following her.

"Ow." Dean whines. Sam ignores him, walking into the room, pulling the twins inside.

"You can thank Rissy." Ophelia grins, going into the room. Dean looks at Larissa who grins. Dean sticks his tongue out at her.

"Oh, very mature, Dean." Larissa quips, going into the room and shutting the door.

"Wow. Look at this. We're like Rockefellers. Chocolates!" Dean grabs the chocolate off his pillows. "You want yours?"

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