061. too much food

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They get to Oktoberfest, looking around.

"We still got to see the new Raiders movie." Dean says.

"Saw it." Sam says.

"Without me?" Dean asks.

"You were in Hell." Sam reasons.

"That's no excuse." Dean says, looking around. "Big pretzel!" He walks over to the vendor, ordering some big pretzels. "Thank you." Dean takes the pretzels from the person in charge of the cart. He turns to the twins and hands one pretzel to Natalie and three to Sam. Ophelia hands Larissa and Jacob pretzels, keeping one for herself.

"Thank you." Sam says.

"Guten tag." A woman greets.

""Guten tag" yourself." Dean says with his mouth full as he watches her walk away. Natalie flicks him on the head making him swat at her hand.

Sam gives the twins a pretzel.

"I don't want it." Libby frowns.

"Baby, all you've had today is, like, four grapes. And that was hours ago." Sam says, crouching next to her. "Just try, okay?"

"Okay." Libby mumbles. Sam kisses her on the cheek before standing up.

"I'll eat what you can't finish." Evie offers.

"Thanks." Libby mumbles, taking a small bite of the food.

"Wow. Been about a week and you haven't made a single dick move." Natalie comments. "Congrats, Sammy." She pats his cheek.

"Thanks." Sam mutters. "You know, I..." Sam glances at the twins. "I wasn't ever trying to hurt them."

"I know." Natalie quietly says. "You're just an idiot." She smiles.

"Yeah." Sam mumbles, scoffing. "Yeah." He frowns. Sam clears his throat, looking around. "Mmm. Looks like that's our man." He points out the sheriff and they walk over to him.

"Sheriff Dietrich." Sam calls.

"Are you boys from the fed?" Dietrich asks.

"Agents Angus, Young, Malcom, Scott, and Johnson." Sam informs, the five adults showing their badges. "We called ahead about your, uh, problem."

"Right. Um... I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?" Dietrich suggests.


They're in the morgue -- without the kids -- and Dietrich draws the sheet back off the woman's head and shoulders.

"Marissa Wright, 26. Just up from Lockhard for the 'fest. Terrible. Just terrible. It's the last thing this town needs at peak tourist season." Dietrich says.

"Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed." Sam says. Dean turns Marissa's head and finds two puncture marks on her neck.

"What the hell?" Dean mutters.

"Yeah, you got me. I mean, this killer's some kind of a grade A whacko, right? I mean, some Satan worshipping, Anne Rice reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe." Dietrich says.

"Sheriff, in your report you mentioned a witness." Dean says.

"Yeah, I wished I didn't. But our witness insisted. That's Ed Brewer. Not exactly what you'd call reliable." Dietrich says.


The group get to the bar and walk up to the counter.

"I remember you." The woman from earlier says.

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