080. paris hilton

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"So..." Sam chuckles, "what's with this job?"

"Dude suffers a head-on collision in a parked car? I'd say that's worth checking out." Dean says.

"Yeah, definitely, uh, but, uh, we got bigger problems, don't you think?" Sam asks.

"I'm sure the apocalypse'll still be there when we get back." Dean says.

"Right, yeah, but I mean, if-- if the colt is really out there somewhere--"

"Hey, we've been looking for three weeks, we got bupkis."

"Okay. But Dean... I mean, if we're gonna... ice the devil--"

"This is what we're doing! Okay? End of discussion." Dean finalizes and Sam looks away. "It's just that this is our first real case, back at it together. You know, I-I think we oughta ease into it, put the training wheels back on."

"Training wheels?" Natalie questions.

"So you think I need training wheels?" Sam asks.

"No, "we." We need training wheels, us. As a team. Okay? All of us." Dean says.

"What the hell did we do?" Jacob mumbles to Larissa.

"Decide to stick with the hot ones and this loser." Larissa mutters and Jacob nods.

"Okay." Sam nods.

"Man, I really want this to be a fresh start, okay? For all of us." Dean says.

"And treating us like children is a fresh start? I recall that happening before." Natalie comments.


They're at the sheriff's department.

"We're with the FBI." Dean tells the sheriff, showing his badge.

"Rick Carnegie. Good to know ya. So you're here on account of Cal Hawkins' death?" The sheriff asks.

"That's right." Sam says.

"Well, 'fraid you came a long way for nothing. We already booked the guy that did it." Rick says. The five hunters share looks.

"I'm sorry... who do you think did it?" Sam asks

~ ~ ~

The six are in an interview room and watching the video that Jim had recorded.

"Cal? Is something wrong?" Jim asks. The video shows Cal's head smashed into the windshield.

"Mm." Natalie grimaces, turning her head sideways, hiding it behind Jacob's shoulder. He reaches down and holds her hand, keeping them behind his back, his thumb brushing over her knuckles.

"Oh, my God, Cal. Cal!" Jim yells.

The video cuts to static and Rick turns the TV off. Natalie looks ahead, Jacob gently squeezing her hand.

"Sicko taped his own handiwork." Rick says.

"I don't follow." Sam says.

"It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal." Rick says.

"Wait, what?" Dean asks.

"Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles." Rick says.

"They were best friends." Sam says.

"Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim." Rick says.

"He's not totally wrong there." Jacob mumbles.

"And how exactly did Jim slam Cal into the windshield with all the force of an 80 mile per hour crash?" Dean asks.

"Drugs, maybe?" Rick shrugs. "Look, you know this ain't brain surgery, boys! Whatever it looks like, that's what it usually is. It's simple."

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