004. death

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Jess and the girls are finishing up baking the cookies, having already set aside a plate for Sam for when he gets home.

There's a knock on the door.

"Come on, babies." Jess tells the girls, helping them off the stools, not wanting to leave them alone by the oven. The girls follow their mom towards the door and Jess opens it, revealing Brady, and Jess kindly smiles at him.

"Hey, Brady." Jess greets.

"Hey. You, uh, you mind if I come in?" Brady asks.

"Sure." Jess steps aside, letting him walk in and shutting the door after.

"What are you guys up to?" Brady asks, following them into the kitchen.

"We are making cookies for when Sam gets back from his trip." Jess informs, smiling at her daughters who are both grinning.

"Nice. Mind if I steal one?" Brady asks.

"Sure." Jess nods and Brady takes a cookie.

They hang out for a bit until Jess is finally able to put the last batch in a container.

"Excuse me, while I go put little ones to bed." Jess says, picking the two up. "Say goodnight, baby girls."

"Nigh'." Libby waves at Brady who waves back. Something about his smile unsettles her and she cuddles into Jess more. Evie just ignores the man, already half asleep.

"Be right back." Jess tells Brady, walking to the girls' room. Jess carefully puts Libby down before going to Evie's bed and gently lying her down. She tucks the girl in, making sure she has her stuffed dog. Jess kisses the girl on the forehead. "I love you, honey bunch."

"Wuv you." Evie mumbles, quickly falling completely asleep.

Jess goes over to Libby's bed.

"Okay, Bess." She whispers, tucking the girl in, the toddler already having Eeyore held tightly in her arms. Jess tucks the blanket in around her a bit and brushes some hair out of her face.

"Daddy home?" Libby asks.

"Later. You'll see him in the morning, I promise." Jess assures. "You have his shirt on so it feels like he's here and when he gets home, you get to cuddle him for hours." Libby smiles. "I love you, baby girl." She kisses her on the forehead.

"Wuv you." Libby smiles. She grabs her mom's hand and kisses it making Jess smile.

"Sweet dreams." Jess whispers. She turns the nightlight on and turns the light off, keeping the door cracked open.

It's only about five minutes later when Libby hears her mom scream, Evie waking up to it. There's more screaming and a few crashes. Libby hugs Eeyore tighter, letting out a small whine. She looks over at her sister's bed, the girl in the the same predicament. Soon all the noise stops and Libby quietly gets up.

"Bee." Evie whispers.

"Come on." Libby whispers, grabbing her sister's hand. Evie whines as her sister drags her out of the room. They walk to their parents' room, searching for their mom.

Hearing something, they both look up, finding their mother pinned to the ceiling with red across her stomach.

They both scream before being met with black with Brady knocks them out from behind.


Dean pulls up in front of Sam's apartment building. Natalie is sitting in the backseat and Ophelia is lying across the seat and asleep with a blanket covering her and her head is on Natalie's lap. Natalie gently brushes through Ophelia's hair, looking down at her peaceful face that she won't see for who knows how long.

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