086. weird sam

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It's been a few weeks since Jo and Ellen died. Sam and Dean had gone on a case at a mental hospital, but the others stayed behind. Natalie stayed back since she was pregnant, not wanting to deal with trying to get admitted to the hospital. Jacob and Larissa are still deep in the grieving process, neither in the right mind for a hunt.

Dean got a call from an old babysitter the siblings used to have and she told them about her family's situation. They agreed to go after Natalie and Jacob get back from the doctor's.

Natalie is in the chair, drumming her fingers on her stomach.

"Does that hurt it?" Jacob asks, watching her hands.

"No." Natalie says with a soft laugh. "The baby's fine. I promise."

"Right. Are we sure we don't wanna find out the gender? I-I mean, calling it "it" just seems... so mean." Jacob frowns.

"It's too early to know the gender, babe. You're stuck with "it"." Natalie says.

"What if we just call it what we think the gender is? Or what we want the gender to be?" Jacob asks.

"Well, what do you want? Boy or girl?" Natalie asks.

"I don't know. I don't really care. I'm good with both. Long as it's healthy." Jacob says.

"Well, then this was very helpful." Natalie quips and Jacob sheepishly smiles. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. I feel better than I did a few weeks ago." Jacob says. "Still hard, though."

"I know." Natalie mumbles, sadly smiling. She runs her hand through his hair before resting her hand on his cheek and he leans into her touch. Jacob kisses her palm before holding her hand.

"Alright." The nurse walks in. "Ready for the ultrasound?"

"Yep." Natalie says.

The nurse sets everything up and puts the jelly on Natalie's stomach. She runs the tool over Natalie's stomach while watching the screen.

"Oh." The nurse mutters.

"What?" Both parents-to-be immediately question.

"Nothing. Nothing." The nurse assures. "Well, not nothing. It's nothing bad." She promises. "You have two perfectly healthy heartbeats."

"Oh, thank God." Jacob sighs in relief.

"Two?" Natalie asks.

"Yes." The nurse nods.

"Yeah, two. Isn't-- isn't one you and-- and one the baby?" Jacob asks.

"No. No, um... I-I thought you guys just counted the babies' heartbeats." Natalie says.

"We do." She tells Natalie. "Congratulations. You're having twins." The nurse tells them.

"Wh-- wait, twins? Like-- like as in two babies? At the same time?" Jacob asks.

"Yes." The nurse nods with a light laugh.

"Holy, shit." He mutters. "Well, I wasn't expecting that." He says.

"Well... you could blame me." Natalie says. "Twins are often genetic. Especially from the mom's side. I'm a twin... Sammy has twins... that might've just been luck or something, though."

"Oh, God." Jacob faints.

"Oh." Natalie frowns.


They get back to Bobby's where everybody else is.

"Hey. How'd it go?" Sam asks.

"Well, uh... very interesting." Natalie says.

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