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When we arrived at the House of Gods, the party was well underway. People are already stumbling on the front lawn and down the long driveway.

The House of Gods is home to all members who are initiating for a place in the secret society. Faye and I don't live here of course since we're girls and no woman wants to live in a glorified frat house.

It was once an old mansion that one of the original Gods lived in back in the day. Since then the house has been renovated. It houses hundreds of members and the grounds are huge. The mansion sits on hundreds of acres, which makes the place secluded from everyone outside.

Normally, the house is members only, but on occasions when the soon-to-be Gods throw huge parties, it's open to the public. The rooms that hold our secrets are locked anyway. You can't get in unless your handprint is registered with the House of Gods.

Faye and I enter the house together. Loud bass music is blasting throughout the whole house. People are pressed up against each other. Either dancing or making out. They could honestly be fucking too. I wouldn't be surprised since people do shit like that at House of Gods parties.

Since we already know our way around the house and parties, we enter the kitchen to grab ourselves a drink. Saint said he was going to bring us something so I'm just going to stick with water. Faye does the same, passing me a cold bottle from the fridge.

Just as I began to drink, I saw Saint step into the kitchen.

Standing at 6'1, he already towers over people a bit. Not like how Killian does. Saint is more lean and has dark brown hair that curls slightly. Instead of green-yellow eyes, Saint has golden brown eyes that remind me of whiskey. He doesn't have tattoos going up his arms, but he does have scars. Reminders of the assignments he's been on.

Word is, back when Saint was in school, he was the one to be sent on assignments. He may be sweet and charming on the outside, but when he's acting like a God, he's brutal. A force to be reckoned with. Every single target he's ever had was killed or tortured brutally. If there's anyone you need to torture information out of, he's your guy. It's probably why he's studying to be a lawyer. He just wants to learn more ways of getting information out of people. From a more legal standpoint of course.

"Hey, beautiful," he says leaning in and giving me a quick kiss. He then wraps his arm around my shoulder. "You looking hot tonight."

"Just hot?" Faye scoffs.

He smirks. "My apologies." Saint runs his hand down my back and slaps my ass with a grip. "You look fucking ravishing." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little baggie.

Inside is molly. Did I mention how Saint is a known dealer? If you want clean drugs, you go to Jameson St. Clair. Yeah, other guys deal, but Saint is the only person who isn't slimy and gives you laced drugs so he could take advantage of you.

Faye holds her hand out, but I stick out my tongue for Saint. He places the bright pink colored table in her hand. Then he places a tab on his mouth before grabbing my chin. His hand grips my chin firmly as he kisses me. Sneaking his tongue into my mouth, he passes the tab into mine.

Once I've swallowed it, he pops the last one into his mouth. "You ladies find me you're ready," he winks, giving me a kiss on the cheek before heading over to a group of Gods calling for him.

Faye grabs my hand. "Let's hit the dance floor while we wait for our candy to kick in."

She drags me in front the kitchen and into the main room on the first floor. Just like any college party, there's a DJ booth set up and speakers lining the walls. Lights flash and smoke fills the air. Bodies are moving together or on top of each other.

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