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"What are you wearing for tonight's party," Faye asked, leaning forward and resting her elbows on our kitchen island. "It's going to be big since it's the first party of the semester."

"Dunno," I shrug, shoving a mouthful of pesto pasta in my mouth.

"Well, we have to look hot. In two months, we're going to be given to Gods and we won't be able to slut it up anymore."

I groan. "Can we focus on getting initiated first?"

When you're a female offspring of a God and Goddess, you have to be given to a God. You have no say in who you get because our fathers have been making plans since our births. They go through a list of members to see whose family name holds the most power. Being that my family is one of the founding families of the secret society, my name holds immense power.

Cassius was given a Goddess his senior year at Yale. Since he has a dick in between his legs, he can't just be given any girl. She has to be a Goddess. And not anyone can be a Goddess. Only the daughters of the most powerful members can become one. The rest are useless to the Gods. Just given to lower-ranking Gods.

Because I won't be holding the family name after I'm married, it's a bit of a toss. I could get a powerful God or a meaningless one. Doesn't matter. I don't get a piece of my family's media empire. I just get stuck being a housewife who pushes out babies so that the Gods can continue in my bloodline.

I'm not one to hold my tongue. Never was. It's something my mother always nags me about. But this is something I cannot fight. Rules are rules and no one who questions the rules of the House of Gods lives. It's probably why I had to go out and kill Senator Grayson.

There are some perks to being a Goddess. I can go on assignments and sit in on meetings, but I don't get to vote on matters regarding our secret society and I sure as hell can't speak my mind. I would just be a glorified bitch for the House of Gods.

My phone vibrates beside me.

Cassius: Don't come tonight.

Me: Why not?

Cassius: I don't want to babysit you all night.

Cassius: I'm serious.

Cassius: Don't come to the party. I don't need to compromise yourself.

I roll my eyes. I know exactly what my brother means when he says he doesn't want me compromising myself.

Daughters of Gods are supposed to remain virgins until we are "gifted" to our Gods. Then it's fair game. But as a future Goddess, I'm supposed to remain a virgin until my wedding night. It's tradition to show the bloodied sheets of the groom and bride the next morning. If there's no blood, then the Goddess has cheated and is killed. But the Gods can go and fuck around all they want.

Stupid misogynistic bullshit.

I set my phone down. "You know what? Let's go to the party. Our initiation is next weekend so we might as well celebrate like we're already Goddesses."

Faye claps her hands and a huge smile stretches across her face. "I knew you'd give in."

"No mixing tonight," I say pointing my finger at her. "Either stick to liquor or the drugs. I'm not dragging you out of another party at the House of Gods."

"Scouts honor," she said holding three fingers up.

House of Gods parties are known to be the craziest ones on campus. Nothing compared to the ones our parents throw. The older generation throws boring parties that have the sole purpose of Gods networking with each other. But the younger generation, they throw massive parties that are filled with alcohol and drugs and somehow turn into a huge orgy after midnight.

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