"Is this... some kind of role-play?" Minseo inquired, entertained.

Before Heiran could offer some vague result of an answer through her tightly clamped mouth, Jungkook intervened. "Yeah. Something like that."

Heiran immediately flapped her hands, waving 'no' to let her know that it was not true, desperately pleading with her eyes to get her message across. But all it did was elevate Minseo's amusement. "Wow, your acting looks so real, Seonbae."

Jungkook laughed out a cruel laugh, "What can I say? Ran's such a born actress." Turning away from Minseo, he began his march to her bedroom, undeterred by her flailings. "Goodnight, Ms. Lee. We'll be on our way."

And all Heiran heard was Minseo's excited laugh before the living room vanished from view. Everything was falling apart. It was getting out of control. The unknown darkness she was headed to wasn't her own bedroom but the damnation of her pride. Because Heiran had no trust in her self-control tonight. That was why she absolutely had to avoid being alone with him inside a confined space for too long. In a last-ditch effort, she grabbed hold of the doorframe as he entered her room.

"Let go of the doorframe, darling. You're going to hurt yourself."


Jungkook simply backtracked a few steps to make her lose her grip on the doorframe and marched right back inside. Heiran had no options left but to resign to her fate. She'd never felt so humiliated as she did as she was dropped unceremoniously onto her own bed. Still giving up felt like an option she couldn't bear to stand. He went to close the door, shutting out all her hopes and dreams of an escape. She got up and ran because at least she had to try, at least she had to go down fighting. Nevertheless, the door closed before she could reach it and Heiran slammed against the wood, going down with a pained cry of despair. Before she could properly mourn her defeat, she found herself plucked up from the ground and being turned to face a man she absolutely didn't want to face. Trapped between the door and his arms, she gathered up her last bit of dignity to glare back in full force.

However, Jungkook had an even more severe expression on his face that made her pause in her tracks. "Do you think I'm easy, Ahn Heiran?"

She suppressed a shiver at her full name spilling from his lips. She had no answer to that question. It was a complicated one that she didn't really give much thought to before. But now that she faced his extremely intimidating courtroom look, she had no choice but to reflect on her actions and admit maybe she kind of did. However, admitting that did not feel like the best course of action at the moment, especially when he looked so...intense. Heiran gulped and chose not to respond.

"Because I come back to you every time, no matter what, do you think that I'm easy?"

"Th-this isn't about you." She retorted with all the bravery she could muster.

He laughed unhumorously, sweeping his fingers through his hair. "Right. This is about you and your insane pride."

That wild look in his eyes was dangerous but Heiran tried to scoff. She had always loved to play with fire.

"You know I will do whatever you want. You want me to beg? Fine, I will do it. But I just think it's so pointless. Why should we waste our time when we both know that you want me too?"

"Someone's way too confident." She claimed defensively.

"Really?" He posed with the raise of his eyebrow, leaning forward to stare down at her. He was taking advantage of their height difference way too many times to her chagrin. He must believe it was the best way to intimidate her. Despite the fact that it was true, Heiran hated to admit it. Jungkook continued, "You think I'm blind enough to not notice the way you were looking at me earlier in my apartment?"

𝘖𝘣𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘳 | JJK |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant