My Lost memories

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It has been almost twenty-five years now since the day that I made a very terrible decision in my life, and that is leaving Iruma behind after I found out that his true nature is that he is a human.

I could never forgive myself for making such a decision without even trying to confront him and ask him why he kept it a secret from me after three years of being together.

I do really hate myself for that, and there is no day that I have wished that I could turn back time so I could fix my mistakes that day.

When it was still a few days after I gathered myself together and realized my mistake, I tried so hard to go to him and talk to him, but at that time I thought that he was still mad at me for what I did during that time.

At first, I thought of giving him space for a month to think about what happened, but as time passed, I got more anxious after I hadn't heard anything or seen him for almost 4 months.

Once it was already hit on the 5th month, I already decided to find him with his friends or in his family, thinking that he might have gone to either one of them to calm himself down.

I have questioned them over and over again, but the only answer that they have given me is don't look for him.

I begged them over and over again to tell me the truth, but they still didn't give me the answer, no matter what I did.

I tried begging again and again, until I came up with the idea to find him without their help or even telling me where he was or where he went.

When they found out about my plan to find him, they tried to stop him from doing that.

But no matter what they did, I didn't let them stop me from searching for him.

I have already wasted so much time being so selfish and scared of approaching him, and after all those years that we have been together,

I would not give up on him—at least not this time.

I already gave up once, and I would not make the same mistake. I love Iruma so much that he is my whole world, and I couldn't live without him.

I tried to find him in the places that I know where he usually goes every time we get into misunderstandings or fights, but day after day, days turned into years, and I still couldn't find him, as if he didn't want me to find him.

Days have already passed, and little by little, I am now starting to lose hope in trying to find him, as my thoughts were starting to fill with giving up.

But even though I am losing hope and my mind is already filled with giving up, I still continue searching because I know that Iruma would also do the same thing if he were in my position right now, but right now I decided to visit the place where I slowly fell in love with him before trying to find him again.

While I was walking around the Babyls grounds, I suddenly asked myself so many questions.

What if I didn't leave him after I learned that he was a human?

Are we already married and have children if I let him explain instead of leaving?

There were still so many questions that kept coming to mind, but then my thoughts suddenly stopped when I saw a familiar tree above the greenhouse tower.

It was the same tree that Iruma had made when he was only in his first year.

I think he called that tree Cherry Blossom.

A few minutes passed, and I was still standing, staring at the tree. I couldn't really help but keep staring at the tree as if it were telling me something.

As I was staring at the tree, my head slowly started to hurt badly. It felt like there was something tearing my head apart, and then suddenly there were unfamiliar memories that kept flashing through my mind.

The pain that I'm currently feeling and my headache have just suddenly stopped, and while I was taking a moment to take everything in, it suddenly hit me.

Those unfamiliar memories that were flashing through my mind are my very own. The memories that I seem to forget slowly flow into my eyes. My legs are starting to feel so weak, and I am ready to fall to the ground anytime soon.

How could I forget about the incident?

How could I forget what really happened that day?

I could remember everything now, including the reason why they didn't want to tell me where he was and the reason why I wasn't able to find him no matter what I tried because he was already...


Kalego x Iruma One ShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara