Kalego's Love At First Sight

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It's already been 18 years since the day Iruma was born into the powerful and well-known Sullivan family.

Even though his family is very well known throughout the world, no one knew of his existence except for his grandfather's two close friends.

The three of them were known as the three greats. Iruma's existence was kept hidden by his grandfather out of fear that something bad might have happened to his grandson.

Sullivan doesn't want his grandson to experience something just like what happened to his daughter and son-in-law if ever his enemies find out about his grandson's existence.

It really does hurt him to think that he lost two important people in his life on the day that he thought that it would be a happy day for all of them.

It was a day full of celebration when his grandson was about to be born on that day, but it turns out that it would also be the day of his grieving for the deaths of his daughter and son-in-law.

Even though it already happened years ago, it was still fresh in his mind, and he could still remember what happened on that day when his daughter was already laboring for her son, Iruma.

And when one demon, who has a deep hatred for him, decided to attack the manor. Sullivan had tried his best to protect his daughter and his newborn grandson, along with his son-in-law.

He really tried everything that he could to protect his family, but no matter how hard he tried, he still failed to protect his daughter and his son-in-law.

In order to protect his grandson, the two have decided to let Sullivan run away from the manor with Iruma and bring him to a safe place.

He has tried to argue with them about letting his daughter escape with her son, but he saw in their eyes that they were determined to protect their son.

But he eventually gave up and left the two behind as he fled to his old companion's home to put his grandson in her trust.

Once he had already given his grandson to his companion, whom he trusted the most, he immediately flew back to his manor and tried to get back for his daughter and son-in-law, but when he got there, it was already too late.

He saw the two of them lying together on the ground,dead. Since that day, he started to grieve for their deaths, but even though he was grieving for their deaths, he still hasn't forgotten to give his grandson the love that his parents would have given him if they were still alive with them.

He gives everything that he can to his grandson, no matter how expensive it is or whatever his grandson wishes to have.
He did all this so he wouldn't feel the emptiness of not having his parents by his side.

Even though it has already been years since Iruma was born, Sullivan still hasn't told anyone about his existence except for his two friends, Levi and Belial, along with their grandsons.

Their three grandsons have also become close friends since they were introduced to each other when they were still 3 years old.

When Leiji (Levi's grandson) and Razberry (Beliard's grandson) met Iruma for the first time, they thought that Iruma was a girl because of the appearance that he got from his late mother.

Well, everyone would think the same if they did not know Iruma personally, but it changed when they were introduced to each other, and they were surprised when they discovered that Iruma is a boy, as they thought that he was too pretty for a boy.

The three became close friends as they spent more time together, as they were so close that they could not be separated.

Every single day after they finished their studies, they always met each other in the Sullivan manor as they spent time together till it was already nighttime, but it all changed when the three of them turned 14 years old as they all got separated from each other.

They needed to focus on their studies as the reason for the sudden separation, and by the time they went on, they had already achieved so many things that they had advanced from their age.

Those achievements that they accomplished have made their grandparents so proud, and even though the three have focused on their own things, they still haven't forgotten about their friends.

4 years have already passed, and during those years, Sullivan has started to brag about the things that Iruma can do and Iruma's beautiful appearance, as he thinks that Iruma is already old enough to protect himself, and they have already taught every single self-defense that Opera and he could teach him if ever someone tries to attack them.

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