The Similarities

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It has been four hundred years since the day of Iruma's death, and Kalego is still grieving for him, unable to move forward from his death.

If his ill temperament was already bad before he even met Iruma, then Iruma's death has only made it worse.

Since he was still grieving Iruma's death, it made him create more barriers between him and his coworkers as well as between him and his students than he used to have when he taught the misfit class that Iruma studied with.

There were also times that every time that he saw something that could remind him about his lover, it always brought him to tears, and there were also some moments that he wanted to end his own life because of the grief that he was currently suffering from.

Fortunately, his coworkers, Iruma's friends, and his family have stopped him from ending his life because they knew how much pain he was going through after they had lost Iruma in their lives.

They know that Iruma's impact on his life was so great, and they couldn't deny that Iruma also had a great impact on their lives, and they didn't know what would happen to them if they didn't meet him.

Even though Kalego may not have the best personality towards his students, coworkers, friends, and family, it truly pains them every time they see him suffering in Iruma's death.

When Iruma died, it really affected everyone who knew him and was close to him.

His death has made them fall into depression, but unlike Kalego, they managed to escape from their depression after a few months of fighting from it.

But despite their recovery from their depression, they are still mourning the loss of their loved one as well as sympathizing with Kalego's never-ending sorrow.

They all still tried to help Kalego get out of his sorrow, but despite their best efforts to make him better, Kalego still refused all the help that they were offering him, and because of that, his condition only continuously worsened as time passed.

While they are still grieving for his death, many new members have come to the school, from the students to the staff.

As they came to school as new members, they became unaware of Kalego's past, and because of how he treated the demons who surrounded him, they began to hold even greater hatred towards him than those who already knew him before all those things happened.

The older members of the school who've been there before his death have tried to convince those who are the new arrivals to be more patient with Kalego's behavior, considering the difficult circumstances that he was facing.

But as the time passed, their patience wore thinner and thinner, and they began to voice their dissatisfaction with his actions.

Everything has changed since it was already time for the new school year, yet Kalego still showed no signs of getting out of his usual personality.

Because of what Kalego was showing, it has made everyone believe that everything will remain the same just like in previous years, and this has made the incoming first-year students anxious about the possibility of being assigned to Kalego's homeroom class because of the rumors of his strict treatment of his students.

But it was unknown to everyone's knowledge that everything would change this year and something would happen.

This year is different from any other year; there is a particular student that has been placed under his guidance who has shown a great resemblance to Iruma's personality, which eventually catches everyone off guard.

When the old staff members noticed this resemblance for the few months that they were with him, they dismissed it as a mere coincidence.

As they have spent more time with that student, they couldn't help but notice that there is more resemblance between Iruma and the student than the things that they have noticed before, from their shared energy to their habits and every single detail that they could have noticed during school hours.

It has become increasingly obvious that the new student was the reincarnation of Iruma.

The staff members attempted to keep this knowledge hidden from Kalego, but despite their best efforts, Kalego had already recognized the truth on his own, even before they did.

Since Kalego had already discovered the truth, he had already made up his mind to protect and make the new student his before anyone else had the chance to intervene, ensuring that the student would not experience a fate similar to Iruma's.

Kalego x Iruma One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz