The Accidental Rumor (1)

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After three long days, the harvest festival had finally come to an end, and as a part of the celebration for the success of the festival, the teachers came up with an idea to gather together in one of the most famous inns, which was called Brawl Inn.

Since the early days of the school, the first teachers who have been teaching there have created a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.

In this tradition, every single teacher would take on the responsibility of being the host of a celebration that would fall to the newest member(s) of the teaching staff, which served as a welcome to them to the school, and there has been no exception for any teacher, regardless of their rank or position, since this tradition has been made.

Each of them would be given the chance to experience the responsibility of hosting a celebration and the chance to have their own way of hosting theirs.

Just like what Kalego did to his turn.

He hosted his turn in a very fancy place, which was his own kind of comfort and enjoyment, and now the tradition has fallen into one of the most annoying teachers, based on Kalego's belief, which is Robin.

As the time went by, each teacher started to show up at the inn as they started to chat with one another while waiting for their other coworkers to come.

After they have waited for a few more minutes and the teachers are starting to order their own preferences when it comes to drink and food, almost all teachers have arrived, except for a few of the teachers that the host still hasn't noticed that they weren't present.

The inn was now filled with laughter and enjoyment as it spread throughout the inn.

During the enjoyment that the inn had, Robin began to notice the absence of his three coworkers, and due to his curiosity, he decided to ask his coworkers who had been close where he was standing and approach them.

His curiosity was later answered by Buer and Murmur sensei, who had been there in the school years before him.

They told Robin that Orias wouldn't come to the celebration due to the fact that he didn't drink alcohol, while Kalego wouldn't also attend this kind of occasion even if he was invited, and lastly, as for Balam, he might have just been running late.

Just after the two mentioned it to their new co-worker, they noticed two demons were walking inside; it was Kalego, along with Balam beside him.

Because Kalego has only joined in a celebration once in a blue moon, which is very rare, everyone who's present in the celebration was completely shocked by his sudden appearance.

The only thing that they can remember of him being in a celebration that the school has is when he was the one who hosted the celebration or when the chairdemon forced him to join, and that's the only thing that they could remember.

The shock on their faces was immediately noticed by their co-worker Balam, who explained to them that he caught Kalego attempting to go home without even considering joining the celebration that Robin arranged, and he eventually dragged Kalego to join the celebration as well as because Dali made a request to him to do so.

After the explanation was finished, the celebration that they had was slowly turning back before Kalego's sudden appearance, as they all went back from eating and drinking to whatever they had ordered earlier.

Minutes have already passed since Kalego's stay in the inn, and he is already starting to enjoy the liquor that he has ordered.

The liquor that he ordered is known by the name Daikoku Makyu, The Thousand Years' Drop of Evil, which is considered one of the hard liquors as well as the most expensive liquor that the inn has.

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