Somebody That Mattered

Start from the beginning

"You just-" she shook her head and covered her mouth with her shaking fingers, "You just continue to amaze me," her words were frail, "I am so proud of you Alana."

I went to pull her into a hug though she took a step back. 

"I wouldn't want to ruin your hair and makeup," she tried to insist, my mother had clearly been living in my father's world for far too long. 

"I wouldn't care," I told her and pulled her into the hug nonetheless. At first I felt she was taken aback, her frame was frozen but eventually her arms wrapped around my waist and I felt her head rest on my shoulder; she may have been shorter than me, but in her Louboutin's she was able to reach. 

When my mother took a step back, she pulled out a tissue from the silver box sat by the window and gently dabbed at her cheeks, careful not to remove her makeup. My mother wasn't a particularly vulnerable person, she'd never hugged us as children or cried at a sentimental moment, she was more reserved and held her emotions in, so I knew this meant a lot to her.
But soon enough so pressed her palms together and took a deep sigh, "Now where is your sister, I thought she would return fairly quickly."

"They should be here at any moment," I looked back to those tall, white wooden doors with the beautiful gold detailing. 

"I must clean myself up," My mother shook her head, trying to break free of the moment, "I wouldn't want to be a mess when meeting Kyra for the first time."

"Okay mum," I softly laughed, always amused by my mother's ways. 

I held onto her hand until she began to walk away and then I watched as she shut the bedroom doors behind her, hearing those heels clicking on the ground until she was gone.

Soon Gabby and Kyra walked into the suite. The pair stood there hand in hand, the Australian hanging slightly behind my sister as both their faces were lit up with this lovestruck smile and the blush creeping up on their cheeks. 

I felt the smile fall upon my face once again, seeing my sister happy was all I ever dreamed of and I knew Kyra made her happier than anyone. I was beyond excited to meet Kyra, after all I'd heard so much about her and Gabby had me convinced that she'd surpass all of my expectations.  

"Hi I'm Kyra," Kyra took a step forward and extended her hand, she was quiet but her eyes were kind and the softness of her smile was warm. I had a feeling that she wouldn't be so quiet when I got to know her. 

"Don't be stupid," I laughed, declining Kyra's hand and instead pulling her into a tight hug.

Kyra wrapped her arms back around me and I looked towards Gabby who was standing by the door, her grin wider than ever, it felt like her life was all falling into place. My sister was at her dream club, had the kindest friends and had now found a love with Kyra. I was beyond happy for her, I'd always wished for her to get all which she'd ever wished for but I'd never expected it to come so quickly.
That was the difference between Gabby and I, she'd always known where she wanted her life to end up; married, at Barcelona and happy with the simplicity of things. I had no clue what I wished for, where I ended to end up or with whom, but I'd never thought it would matter because inevitably I'd run away from love; I always did. I'd end up alone but I'd always have my sister and I hoped the family she'd started to build, and with them, I promised myself that I'd be happy. I didn't need anyone else.

I soon pulled away from Kyra and then offered Gabby another hug, it was probably the millionth of the day and the evening hadn't even begun. "Where's mum?" Gabby peered around the lavish living room for the blonde haired woman.

"I'm here darling," My mother entered right on queue, pushing those double doors open and walking back into the room with the click of her heels and a warm yet sophisticated smile on her face. She looked at Kyra, her smile became far more genuine as she saw the young Australian, "And you must be Kyra," she stopped in her tracks, palms together and chin tilted down; I supposed she seemed a rather intimidating woman before one got to know her. 

"Indeed I am," Kyra grinned, stepping forward and shaking my mother's hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Foden."

"Please call me Sonya," My mother nodded, "I must say that I'm pleased to meet you after everything I've heard."

I looked to Gabby with a smug smirk on my face when I saw the blush rise up on her cheeks once again, but I could see my sister was also happy to watch my mother welcoming Kyra so graciously into the family.
It was a day to remember, I'd forgotten all about the awards for a moment or two because it was the first time my baby sister had ever brought anyone home. Of course I'd met her partners before, but it was the first time she'd ever introduced someone to Mum and it was definitely the first time it had felt like this person was an addition to our family. Kyra was going to stick around; I could just tell. 

"Well I think we should get going," Mum smiled to us all, seeming rather flustered to have finally met someone her children had brought home, "We wouldn't want to be late, would we?"

"Of course not," Gabby chuckled, waiting for Kyra who was soon linked to her arm as they were first out of the apartment. 

"Phil's meeting us at the venue, right Mum?" I checked as I hung onto the open door.

"Yes. Yes he is." Mum soon caught up to me, leaning closer to my ear, "I was nice, wasn't I? I didn't make it too much of a big deal or embarrass Gabriella?"

I lightly laughed, looking from my mother's wide eyes to the couple who walked ahead of us, "You were great Mum, I think you did very well."

"Good," She nodded, finally able to breathe again as she flattened down her dress and checked the extravagant diamonds still lay around her neck and down from her ears.

I smiled at her before looking back to the corridor ahead of me and down to my shoes, making sure not to trip over the fabric of my dress. It felt heavy as it hung of my body, I could feel the length of my hair swinging against my back and the heat begining to rise up my cheeks. Tonight felt like a moment where I'd either prove myself on the world stage forever or be someone destined to be forgotten. I picked up my feet over and over again, comforted by Gabby's quiet conversation with Kyra and the clicks of my mother's heels besides me, feeling as if the journey to a lift was an expedition to be proud of. I gulped and lifted up my chin just a little further, looking in the mirror to make sure I looked just about perfect; a hair couldn't be out of place, not a single eyelash could be clumpy. 

I'd always known I could be anything in the presence of my mind; an explorer of new worlds, a founder of magical ideas, the person to build pathways for the future, the list was endless. But I'd always longed to be something in the presence of time, someone that couldn't be unwritten or ignored. Somebody that mattered.


What do you all think of the Foden family dynamics?

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