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Alana's POV

Jonatan was already making his way inside the building, even from a distance I could see Putellas and I were in for trouble. I looked over at the brunette to see her scowling at me, I just shook my head at her, it was all her fault. 

Ingrid tapped my shoulder, her eyes anxiously flickered from Mapi and Putellas then back to me, "Go on Alana, he'll be more angry if you keep him waiting."

I glanced back at her, sighing, "Yeah I know."

"It will be fine," Gabby tried to offer up a piece of hope like always.

I didn't believe that desperately optimistic expression of hers but I walked towards the office nevertheless, seeing Putellas follow behind me. Jonatan didn't scare me, I'd always found him to be fair and supportive as a manager, but I knew Putellas and I had been caught - the only thing that scared me was loosing out on game time. 

When I finally reached the manager's office, I paused, looking down the corridor to see Putellas and the scowl which never seemed to leave her face. This was all her fault, if she hadn't been so painfully insistent on having an argument in training today maybe we wouldn't have ended up in this predicament. When she was just a few steps away from me, I knocked on Jonatan's door, holding my breath and still trying to calm down, adrenaline coursing through my veins from the argument only moments ago.
One minute Putellas and I had been ready to rip each other's throats out and now we were standing side by side pretending the other didn't exist. 

"Come in." Jonatan called curtly, I couldn't hear the usual approachability in his voice.

I pushed the door open, and was sure that Putellas could catch it for herself as I was the first to take a seat, my eyes burning into the disappointed expression on Jonatan's face as he watched Putellas take a seat next to me. Though she took the chair and shifted it slightly away from mine, trying to get as far from me as possible. 

Jonatan let out a long and tired sigh, "I honestly do not know what to say first," He got to his feet and walked around the desk. I gulped, knowing we were in for a long lecture, "You are professional athletes, I wouldn't expect this from anyone, much less from a new signing and the person who I've honored as captain."

From the corner of my eye I could see Putellas look to the floor, Jonatan's words struck her harder than I.

Jonatan continued, letting his words sit with us for a moment, "I have seen these disagreements between you two in the past, but ignored them as it didn't interfere with the squad. But now it has, this has moved from your personal lives into your professional lives and that is something I cannot stand for when I am trying to lead this team to win trophies and leagues. Your behavior is childish and unprofessional. I am having to ask someone else to lead the team session because you've forced me into having this conversation which, I'm sure, none of us wanted to happen. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?"

"I am sorry Jonatan," Putellas was quick to apologize, her throat sudden raw. 

I crossed my legs, "I'm sorry coach," my words were far quieter. 

"Right," he nodded, moving back behind his desk and sitting in his chair, "You will both be on the bench for the next match at least, when I see that you can work together you will be able to get back on the pitch."

My jaw dropped slightly and my face fell from the shock of that news; was he really going to bench two of the most vital players in newest our game tactics? 

Putellas spoke before I'd even gathered my thoughts, "Really?" the captain couldn't believe it, I'm sure in her eyes the team would crumble without her on the pitch; the thought made me scoff. 

"Yes Alexia," Jonatan's eyes widened slightly, his words sharper, "I can't stand for this behavior, it is childish and affecting the entire team. You won't be back on the pitch until I see you two can work side by side."

Jonatan must've been delusional if he thought that was possible, I went to tell him that in a politer way, "But I don't think-" 

"There's no buts," he cut me off, "You two can prove your dedication to the team to me by washing all the kits tonight. If I hear any news of another fight, you'll be lucky to see the pitch at all this month."

My stomach dropped, Jonatan's consequences were terrifying to me and the worst part was that I knew he was being completely serious. Both Putellas and I were stunned into silence, neither of us daring to open our mouths again in case it resulted in a harsher punishment. Personally I'd have loved to get her banned for the month, but I knew the consequences would've been for the both of us; as much as I wanted to take Putellas down, I wasn't willing to take the fall with her. 

"Have you anything else to say?" Jonatan asked, folding his hands together. 

I shook my head, eyes still wide and lips parted, my mind felt frazzled, "No."

"Just that I will do better," Putellas muttered. 

"Good, well I will see you again at five this evening," Jonatan nodded, "You may go join the team session now."

Both Putellas and I stood up, my joints seemed to groan as I got to my feet, my head feeling light and almost disconnected from my neck.

Before Putellas could reach the door handle, Jonatan spoke again, though this time his tone was far softer, "I am doing this for the sake of the team, you are both incredible players and I do not care what you do in your free time, but this is a reminder that it cannot affect your careers. Make this easier for everyone and find some common ground, okay?"

I almost laughed, I think it was more likely for Putellas and I to spend the next five seasons on the bench and washing kits than find even a square foot of common ground. "I'll see you at five Jonatan," I responded, trying to ignore his final speech. 

Putellas then opened the door, pushing it hard enough that I could follow behind her without needing to get in a close proximity to the taller brunette as we walked down the corridor. She suddenly turned around, glared at me for a moment and then walked the opposite direction to the team session without saying a single word. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Where the hell are you going?" I knew Jonatan wouldn't hear from the other side of the building. 

"Anywhere that you're not," She responded, not even looking back.

I couldn't help but laugh, biting down on my tongue and shaking my head as I walked towards the team session. Putellas really did think herself to be better than the rest but Jonatan just showed her that she wasn't, she was just as common as I; I chuckled at how the thought would probably be keeping her up at night for months. But even now, when Putellas had been made mortal, she wouldn't play the game which Jonatan had asked of us; he didn't need us to be friends, he just asked for us to avoid ripping each other's throats out. It was a simple enough request, though the common ground he'd hoped for was laughable. 

But I'd clean kits for a month straight if it meant I'd be on the pitch again, I'd do anything to get back on the pitch because at the end of the day, I had football, a couple of friends and a few members of my family. That was all that mattered. 
I wouldn't look back at my life and remember my feud with Putellas with pride, I'd look back and remind myself of how awful she was, but she wouldn't even be a chapter in my book - maybe just a sentence near the middle that everyone scanned over and forgot about. My book would be filled with stories where I climbed to heights taller than anyone ever imagined for me, and the more delicate moments in life where I loved with my entire height and all my soul. That was my book. Putellas was not. 

So yes, I'd play Jonatan's game and keep our feud out of his eyeline, I didn't know if Putellas could manage that but if she couldn't, it was really just proof that I could outsmart her every day of the week. Every single day until we were both rolling around in our graves, bored out of our dead minds now that we'd stopped hating one another. 

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