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During the culmination of the designated six-hour period, Selia and Jungkook experienced an intricately woven connection that transcended the necessity for continuous physical contact. Although the absence of such contact provided a sense of relief, an unspoken reluctance lingered as neither party wished to relinquish the comforting embrace. Within the secure confines of Jungkook's arms, Selia found a sanctuary, perceiving his presence as a shield against potential threats. Despite her visual impairment, an acute awareness of his proximity allowed her to navigate the spatial dimensions of their shared experience.

For Jungkook, the allure lay in the harmonious fit of their beings, an embodiment of protection as he enveloped Selia within the circle of his arms. The delicacy of her form nestled against him invoked a profound sense of guardianship, shielding her from metaphorical adversities that lurked in the ethereal realms. Gratitude towards the universe emanated from Jungkook as he contemplated the fortuitous gift of two soulmates – Selia and another yet to realize the completeness that awaited them.

However, the temporal nature of euphoria became evident, as the duo of Jimin and Taehyung strategically imposed a timer, signaling the conclusion of the bonding period. This calculated measure aimed to safeguard their own unique connection with Jungkook, ensuring its preservation in the face of rare and delicate bonds. Inevitably, Selia found herself cast into solitude once more when Jungkook was inexorably drawn away, leaving her to navigate the void of his absence.

In a world where sight was a luxury denied to Selia, she harbored the poetic sentiment that, had she possessed the gift of vision, she would pen verses encapsulating the essence of their shared journey.

In the depths of despair, where shadows lingered long,
In Jungkook's arms, solace found, a refuge from the wrong.
Fate's cruel hand, my parents claimed, a melancholic song,
Yet across the world, to Korea's embrace, my heart did throng.

A chance collision, orchestrated by destiny's fleeting glance,
A memory veiled in obliviousness, a cosmic dance.
Do you recall, my love, that moment of chance?
Paths intertwined, concealed beneath fate's mystic expanse.

More than a month, time unfurled its wings wide,
Reunion scripted by destiny, in fate's silent guide.
Jungkook, my savior, in that moment, by my side,
Rescued from the precipice, where my parents' fate did hide.

A debt unmeasurable, beyond the bounds of time,
A lifeline bestowed, transcending the tangible clime.
Destinies entwined, celestial threads in a rhyme,
Separation ordained as the ethereal bond did chime.

In anguish's throes, undeserved, we were entwined,
Two souls deserving serenity, in pain maligned.
Jungkook, my love, in shared pain, a connection signed,
Echoes resonating through time, a symphony bind.

In this moment's joyous revelation, gratitude profound,
Serendipity's gift, in sacred space, we're crowned.
Presences converging, in a single room, spellbound,
Kindred spirits united, cosmic dance unbound.

This poem, a manifestation of unspoken emotions, would serve as a testament to the ephemeral beauty of their connection, bridging the realms of the seen and the felt.

Regrettably, Selia found herself deprived of the invaluable gift of sight, a limitation that bore the weight of unfulfilled potential. Despite the apparent setback, both Selia and the divine entities that presided over her destiny were cognizant of the extraordinary capabilities residing within her. A paradox unfolded wherein the absence of physical sight would become the catalyst for achieving feats that transcended conventional expectations.

Unbeknownst to Selia, her visual impairment would serve as a conduit for the manifestation of accomplishments that typically existed solely within the realm of folklore and fairytales. The deities orchestrating her fate deliberately wove a tapestry of challenges, intricately designed to propel Selia to the brink of adversity. This intricate journey, akin to the ebb and flow of the sea, held the potential to submerge her into the depths where breathing seemed an insurmountable task.

The divine design, intentionally intricate and dynamic, promised both trials and triumphs. Selia, navigating this labyrinthine course, would encounter moments that mirrored the drowning depths of the sea. Yet, within this metaphorical abyss, she would be tasked with resurfacing, drawing upon resilience and determination to find her way back to the shores of success and accomplishment.

The gods, arbiters of Selia's destiny, had not only devised a narrative of challenge but had also imbued it with a transformative quality. The path she chose, whether leading to ascension or descent, would be laden with consequences. Should Selia navigate the labyrinth correctly, a blessing awaited her at the culmination of her arduous journey. However, a misstep, a wrong turn in the intricate dance of destiny, would invoke the wrath of a curse, a formidable consequence for deviating from the intended course.

In essence, Selia's journey unfolded as a complex interplay between destiny and choice, a narrative where blindness became the crucible for forging a destiny that surpassed the bounds of the ordinary, weaving a tale that mirrored the fantastical narratives found within the pages of mythical tales.

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