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In the team setting, a jovial atmosphere enveloped everyone as they collectively shared laughter over Jungkook's narrative. However, amidst the merriment, Jin stood apart, his countenance betraying genuine concern. The source of his worry stemmed from the conspicuous absence of Jungkook by your side, sparking apprehension that perhaps the connection between you two had been severed. It was a pivotal juncture, with six remaining hours necessitating your continued proximity before the option to relinquish contact could be exercised.

Selia, astutely perceiving Jin's disquiet, extended a gesture of empathy. She donned a single glove on one hand, delicately placing it upon Jin's, a physical manifestation of solace. Jin, visibly taken aback, gazed down at the unexpected touch, his emotions reflecting a mixture of surprise and gratitude. Simultaneously, Selia's other hand firmly clutched onto Jungkook's arm, a testament to the lingering temporal constraint of four hours before the safety threshold for disconnection could be reached. In this critical moment, the imperative of sustaining skin-to-skin contact became paramount for both Jin and Selia, transcending the confines of mere physical proximity to assume a profound significance in their shared predicament.

Jimin and Taehyung, the two individuals who ceased laughter prematurely among the gathering, exhibited a peculiar unease manifesting within their stomachs. This discomfort, noteworthy for its distinct quality, did not stem from jealousy but rather from the sense of exclusion in not being able to exclusively share their camaraderie with Jungkook.

It is imperative to clarify that their sentiments were not a reflection of dissatisfaction with their newfound soulmate, Selia. On the contrary, they embraced the discovery of their ultimate life partner with enthusiasm. However, an underlying yearning persisted for the connection they once shared exclusively with each other—a bond of an exceptional nature rarely encountered.

This unique bond between Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung, although acknowledged as exceptional, harbored a foreboding realization. With the arrival of their final soulmate, Selia, the pre-existing bond faced an inevitable rupture. While this dissolution might not be intentional, its irreparability loomed large. The intrinsic dynamics of the trio's relationship hinted at an unavoidable transformation, leaving Jimin and Taehyung grappling with the notion that the profound connection they once cherished might be forever altered.

The subsequent individual to abstain from laughter was Namjoon, whose perceptiveness led him to discern the melancholic expressions adorning the faces of Jimin and Taehyung. Namjoon, possessing a remarkable ability to intuit the emotions of the aforementioned duo, acknowledged the inherent complexity of their emotional states—a veritable amalgamation that, at times, proved challenging to navigate.

Namjoon, recognizing the need for discretion, refrained from explicitly querying the source of his comrades' disquiet, cognizant of the fragile atmosphere that enveloped the gathering. A conundrum emerged as he grappled with the desire to foster a congenial environment for Selia, the newly introduced member of their collective, juxtaposed against the palpable tension that pervaded the air.

The gravity of the situation prompted Namjoon to exercise prudence, refraining from broaching the delicate subject in the presence of Selia. An underlying commitment to ensuring her comfort prevailed, as he discerned that the impending conversation necessitated a forum devoid of external influence. Consequently, Namjoon resolved to postpone the impending discussion until such time as the bonds among the collective had solidified, thereby shielding Selia from the complexities that currently lingered within the group dynamic.

Yoongi, the astute observer within the group, attuned to the subtle nuances of emotion, cast his discerning gaze upon each member, unraveling the silent turmoil etched in their eyes. A profound melancholy gripped his perception as he witnessed the luster fade from Jin's eyes, an emblematic diminishment of joy that once resided there.

In the eyes of Jimin and Taehyung, Yoongi discerned an unspoken fear, an apprehension that permeated the very essence of their beings. The unspoken dialogue, etched in their gaze, spoke volumes about the intricate web of emotions ensnaring their hearts. Meanwhile, Namjoon's gaze, laden with unasked questions, bore witness to the discord between Jimin and Taehyung, a poignant testament to the fractured dynamics within their closely-knit circle.

J-Hope, seemingly oblivious to the silent unfolding drama, reveled in laughter, unaware of the heartache that shadowed his companions. Yoongi, however, harbored a contemplative concern, pondering whether the palpable tension encapsulating the group would dissipate on its own or culminate in an explosive revelation. The fragility of their shared space hung heavy in the air, leaving Yoongi to grapple with the uncertainty of whether the looming tension would unravel organically or plunge them into an emotional maelstrom.


I guess I'm back, I'm trying to slowly go back in writing, but the headache are pretty heavy😔

So sorry if the story seems a bit confusing write now. Or that you read the same bit the same.

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