Chapter 1 - End of the Tunnel

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"Congrats! Mr. And Ms. Leywin, you have healthy twin boys." A man said with great enthusiasm.


I blinked, my vision clearing as the kaleidoscope image began to form into a clear picture. A beautiful auburn haired woman looked down at me. Her deep brown eyes radiated a love and care while her warm smile made me feel strangely at ease. A dusty, brown haired man stood not too far away from Alice or mom, I suppose now. The gears in my mind churned as I began to recall the novel of TBATE. If this is Alice then the man or dad, is Reynolds.

'Was I reincarnated as Arthur?'

Reynolds seemed to be holding a bundle in his hands. "Well honey, I say we name this one Arthur." He said looking down into his arms.

Alice looked up at him beaming. "I love it and I since you named one it's only fair I name the other. Though it's a shame that one of them wasn't a girl." Looking back down at me she reached down with her index finger, softly touching my solar plexus. "Your name will be Remington."

"Arthur and Remington Leywin." Reynolds echoed to himself as he handed Arthur to Alice. "Can either of you say Dada?" He said as he crouched down infront of us.

I glanced at my now brother, Arthur, his bright blue eyes the same hue of our father's. It could only leave me to wonder whether I had my mother's eyes or shared out father's alongside Art. A scoff escaped out mother's lips as she commented that we were just born.

As they kept on talking about our futures and plans, I began to think about how TM explained Art's early awakening. Feeling internally I searched for the motes of mana. After all if I want to survive in this world I need to stand by my brothers side and above him if needed. To protect our family and loved ones. After searching I began to piece together the motes. Not too soon after, whether it was due to my recent birth or the concentration I was enduring, I fell asleep.

'I hope to create my core at least a year before Art. The extra time would come in handy to test some ideas I have.'

And thus my story began.

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