Chapter 28: Sina

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A few months had passed since Levi went to his comrades graves and Hanji had noticed an immediate change. It was like he was finally at peace.

Levi walked back to the car where Hanji was waiting. He was filled with hope. Hanji was his happiness.

"Are you okay?" Hanji asked as Levi walked up to her door. He didn't say a word, just opened the door and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. He wanted Hanji to feel everything that he couldn't say. He wanted to show her that she was his light, his angel, the one that saved him from himself. Levi pulled away breathless. Hanji's face was bright pink.


"I love you so much, Hanji."

Hanji smiled brightly at him. "I love you too, Levi."

Today was the day. Levi was going to ask Hanji to marry him. He made up his mind a while ago, there was no-one else for him. She was it, she was perfect. Levi thought about her goofy grin, her hooked nose, and messy hair. Those chocolate brown eyes and big glasses. He looked down at the sparkling ring. It wasn't a huge diamond, he wasn't rich, but it was simple and pretty. Perfect for Hanji.

"Levi?" Hanji called from behind the door. Levi jumped and quickly closed the ring box and hid it in his nightstand.

"What's up?" He asked, opening the door to reveal Hanji's smiling face.

"Want to go out tonight?"


Levi was planning on taking her somewhere nice already. "Lets go to Sina." He suggested. Sina was a nice restaurant that wasn't far from their house.

"Ooh fancy!" Hanji cheered. Her and Levi didn't get dressed up often so she was excited.

The two spent the day together doing nothing particularly special. Levi wasn't giving any hints away. It was almost time to go to the restaurant and Hanji started to notice that Levi seemed a little nervous. He was pacing around and constantly fidgeting with his hands.

"It's not that fancy, Levi." Hanji laughed.

Levi rolled his eyes at her and they got ready. Levi was wearing a black suit with a black shirt underneath, the ring hidden in his pocket. He looked incredibly handsome to Hanji. She chose to match him and wore a tight black dress.

"You ready, Shortie?" Hanji asked as she walked out of the bedroom.

Levi's eyes widened when he saw her. She was absolutely stunning. The dress hugged her figure and her hair was in a messy, but stylish updo.

"You look amazing." He said in awe. Sometimes he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that she was his. Hanji smiled brightly and pulled him out of the door by his tie.

~ At the restaurant ~

Levi and Hanji ordered wine and their food. They drank and laughed together as if no-one else was around. Levi shifted in his seat, it was almost time.

"Hanji?" He asked nervously.

She stopped playing with her food and looked at him with her big brown eyes. "Yes, Levi?"

Levi took a breath, "I've been meaning to talk to you-" A waitress came and began filling up their glasses. Hanji laughed quietly at Levi's annoyed face. The waitress walked away obliviously.

"As I was saying, I've been meaning to ask you something." Hanji lifted her eyebrows completely clueless as to what was happening. Levi continued, "I thought my life was over before I met you. I felt like I was in an endless loop of pain and darkness." Levi's eyes met hers. He dropped onto one knee and pulled the ring from his pocket. Hanji gasped in surprise. "Hanji Zoe, you are my light. You stayed by my side even when I tried my hardest to push you away. You helped me through countless situations and never wavered. You are messy, loud, and absolutely perfect-"

"Awwwww" Hanji flushed, her smile reaching her eyes.

Levi looked at her with a glare, "Shut up, Four-eyes. I'm trying to propose."

Hanji laughed, "Sorry, sorry, please continue."

"I don't want to live without you. I want you to be by my side forever. This is a decision I will never regret." Levi looked up at Hanji and she had tears welling in her eyes. "Hanji Zoe, will you marry me?" Levi felt his heart pounding in his chest. He knew she wouldn't say no, but there was always a chance-

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Hanji screamed and attacked Levi in a hug, not even looking at the ring. Levi held her tightly and pressed his lips to hers. He put the ring onto her finger and they hugged again.

"I love you so much, Hanji."

"I love you too, Levi." Hanji whispered back.

Everyone in the restaurant began cheering. Hanji smiled widely and laughed. Her eyes widened when she noticed her mother standing across the room with a wide grin and tears streaking her face.

"Mom?" Hanji questioned, "W-What are you doing here?"

"Congrats Hanji!" Connie yelled.

"Ahhhh! You're engaged!" Sasha cheered.

Hanji's mouth fell open as she looked around. All of her friends were there! She whipped her head around to look at Levi in shock, "You planned all of this?!" She shrieked. "I didn't even notice them!"

Levi shrugged and smiled genuinely at her. All of their friends came rushing towards them and attacked them in a hug. They were all laughing and cheering together.

Levi couldn't believe he was engaged. A little over a year ago he had tried to end his life. Now, watching Hanji smile, hug her friends, and show off her ring, Levi couldn't imagine a world without her. He knew he would never regret his choice to live because he had Hanji, and that was enough.

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